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Corte de Apelaciones suspende la ejecución de Melissa Lucio, la única mujer hispana en el corredor de la muerte de Texas


 La Corte de Apelaciones Penales de Texas concedió este lunes una suspensión a la ejecución de Melissa Lucio, según anunciaron sus abogados en un comunicado, lo que detiene el procedimiento programado para este miércoles.

Lucio, su familia, defensores y abogados dicen que la condenaron injustamente por homicidio calificado.

La corte devolvió varios de los reclamos de Lucio al tribunal de primera instancia para su revisión, según la orden de este lunes.

“Doy gracias a Dios por mi vida. Siempre he confiado en Él”, dijo Lucio en un comunicado que compartió su equipo legal. “Estoy agradecida de que la corte me haya dado la oportunidad de vivir y demostrar mi inocencia. Mariah está en mi corazón hoy y siempre”, añadió.

La Iglesia católica se opone a ejecución de Melissa Lucio 2:07

Lucio presentó nueve reclamos de reparación ante la corte de apelaciones, que en última instancia devolvió cuatro de esos puntos al tribunal de primera instancia para su revisión, de acuerdo al fallo.

En el juicio, los fiscales argumentaron que Lucio era una madre abusiva que probablemente causó las lesiones que llevaron la muerte de su hija. Pero Lucio y sus abogados dijeron que las heridos de Mariah no se debieron a un abuso sino a una caída por una escalera afuera del apartamento del segundo piso de la familia dos días antes de su muerte.

Por su parte, la Junta de Indultos y Libertad Condicional de Texas rechazó hacer una recomendación de clemencia en este momento, citando la suspensión de la ejecución.

El caso de Melissa Lucio

Melissa Lucio fue acusada de homicidio calificado y condenada a la pena capital tras la muerte de su hija Mariah en febrero de 2007 en su casa. Mientras su ejecución, programada en un principio para este miércoles, se acercaba se fueron multiplicando los llamados para suspender la pena, bajo el argumento de que la condena fue injusta y que la niña murió tras caerse accidentalmente por una escalera.

El médico forense que evaluó el caso en ese entonces dijo que Mariah era una “niña maltratada” que murió por un traumatismo craneoencefálico.

El médico de urgencias que trató de reanimar a Mariah luego de que la familia llamara al 911 el día que murió la niña también dijo que era el “peor” caso de maltrato infantil que había visto en su carrera y que las lesiones no podían haber sido causadas por una caída por las escaleras.

Melissa Lucio

Melissa Lucio sostiene a su hija Mariah, mientras una de sus otras hijas, Adriana, se encuentra junto a ellas.

Los fiscales que llevaron el caso dijeron a los miembros del jurado que podían “sacar conclusiones de las pruebas”, señalando las otras lesiones de Mariah y argumentando que si Lucio había abusado de su hija en el pasado, sería “coherente con su comportamiento” causar las lesiones que provocaron su muerte.

Una petición de clemencia presentada por Lucio aborda específicamente la cuestión de los moretones, afirmando que hay explicaciones científicas que aclaran los graves hematomas de Mariah. Para eso citan a expertos médicos que dicen que había indicios de que la niña sufría un trastorno de la coagulación de la sangre conocido como coagulación intravascular diseminada, o DIC, que podría explicar los hematomas.

Qué sucedió el día que murió la hija de Melissa Lucio, según la defensa

Lucio se levantó el 15 de febrero de 2007, preparó a algunos de sus hijos para ir al colegio y luego se dedicó a empacar las cosas de su “deteriorado departamento del segundo piso” porque la familia estaba en un proceso de mudanza, dice la petición de clemencia.

Mientras tanto, hizo todo lo posible por vigilar Mariah, que tenía problemas para caminar y era propensa a caerse debido a una discapacidad física leve, según los archivos del tribunal. Pero mientras Lucio estaba ocupada, Mariah abrió una puerta mosquitera, salió al exterior y se cayó por un tramo “empinado” de más de una docena de escalones.

Lucio se dio cuenta casi de inmediato de que Mariah había desaparecido y la encontró fuera, llorando. Su labio sangraba, pero no parecía estar gravemente herida.

Pero su apariencia era engañosa: la niña acababa de sufrir lesiones internas que, según la petición, llevarían a su muerte. Los dos días siguientes, durante una mudanza de la familia, el estado de Mariah se deterioró: dormía demasiado y finalmente se negó a comer. El 17 de febrero, Lucio se planteó llevar a la niña de dos años al médico, pero prefirió esperar hasta el día siguiente y acostar a Mariah para que durmiera una siesta.

Pronto, Mariah dejó de respirar y la familia llamó al 911. Los paramédicos del lugar y del hospital intentaron reanimarla, pero no lo lograron.

Su cuerpo estaba cubierto de moretones “en varias etapas de curación”, su brazo se había roto varias semanas antes y tenía una marca de mordida en la espalda, según los documentos judiciales que relatan el caso.

La reclusa del corredor de la muerte de Texas Melissa Lucio, vestida de blanco, reza el 6 de abril con los legisladores de Texas en la unidad de Mountain View en Gatesville, Texas.

El malentendido “crítico”, según su defensa

En el lugar de los hechos, Lucio dijo a los paramédicos que Mariah se había caído por las escaleras días antes, pero uno de los socorristas se mostró escéptico, según la petición de clemencia, porque la residencia era de un solo piso con unos pocos escalones al frente. No entendió, dice la petición, que la niña se había caído en la casa anterior de la familia.

“Este malentendido crítico puso en marcha una investigación prejuiciosa”, dice la petición de Lucio, “en la que los investigadores asumieron continuamente lo peor sobre Melissa sin investigar ni considerar alternativas”.

Lucio, quien ahora tiene 53 años, fue condenada en gran parte, según sus abogados, sobre la base de una “confesión” coaccionada que dio a las autoridades en un “agresivo” interrogatorio nocturno la misma noche en que murió su hija.

La mujer —que tenía 12 hijos al momento de la muerte de Mariah y luego dio a luz a gemelos mientras estaba en prisión— era especialmente susceptible de ser coaccionada por las autoridades debido a su historial como superviviente de toda una vida de abusos sexuales y violencia doméstica, dicen, citando a expertos médicos que revisaron su caso.

Statement from Harris County District Attorney’s Office on justice delivered for Officer James Irby


The man who murdered Houston Police Officer James Irby more than 30 years ago was executed by the State of Texas Thursday.

Carl Buntion was the passenger in a car pulled over by Irby, an HPD motorcycle officer, at Airline Drive and Lyerly Street for a traffic violation on June 27, 1990, a hot summer day in Houston. Buntion had skipped parole after serving only 13 months of a 15-year sentence for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl. As the driver and Officer Irby spoke, Buntion stepped out of the car and shot Irby in the head with a .357 Magnum and then twice more in the back after the officer was on the ground. In his flight to escape, Buntion shot a woman in an attempted carjacking and held others at gunpoint before he was apprehended.

In 1991, a jury found Buntion guilty of capital murder and sentenced him to death. The Court of Criminal Appeals granted a new sentencing and, in 2012, he was again sentenced to death.

Prior to Irby’s murder, Buntion had an extensive criminal record, including 13 felony convictions. He was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas prison gang.

“The death penalty should be reserved only for the worst of the worst, and Carl Buntion fit that description. He was a career criminal who never took responsibility for the cold-blooded murder of an innocent police officer. In addition to this heinous crime, he had 13 other convictions, including sexual assault of a child, for which he was on parole at the time he murdered Officer James Irby. He spent his life preying on others, showed no remorse for his continuous life of crime, and in the end could not escape the consequences of his actions. I hope this brings some peace to James Irby’s family,” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg said.



Dia De Los Muertos Festival Information Session TODAY


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Dia De Los Muertos Festival Information Session

Learn how you can be a part of this annual tradition

Thursday, April 21st

Dow School Green

Performance Pavilion

1900 Kane St, Houston, TX

American Landscapes

Concert featuring composers across the Americas

Thursday, May 5th

7 PM – 9 PM

MECA at TBH Center

333 S. Jensen Dr, Houston, TX

Get Tickets Here

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Join us for a session to learn about MECA’s Día de los Muertos Festival and how you can be a part of this annual tradition.


Thursday, April 21, from 7:15 PM – 7:45 PM



Dow School Green Performance Pavilion

1900 Kane St, Houston, TX 77007

Loop38 is excited to present a concert of works showcasing the variety and diversity of American Landscapes.

The landscapes of the Americas are spanned by rich cultural latitudes and a broad palette of historical stories and voices. In its exploration of these voices, Loop38 is presenting music by composers from Massachusetts, Ontario, Washington D.C., Missouri, and Rio de Janeiro.

Date: Thursday, May 5 | 7 PM – 9 PM

Location: MECA at TBH Center | 333 S. Jensen Dr, Houston, TX 77003

Get Tickets Here
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To schedule your appointment today, visit: bit.ly/MECASummerCamp

Openings for students going into Kinder, 8th& 9th Grade

in the Fall 2022 school year. All other grades are full.

June 13 – August 5, 2022

Monday – Friday

8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

MECA at Dow School

1900 Kane St. Houston, TX 77007

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Youth Counselors

MECA is seeking youth counselors for the Sunburst Summer Arts Camp.

The role of the youth counselor is to assist the summer camp faculty and MECA staff in the delivery of a 7-week intensive arts curriculum to students from grades Kinder to 9th.

Additionally, it is the responsibility of the youth counselor to ensure the safety of all campers as they travel between classes and during their lunch hour. Candidates must be at least 16 years of age.

Submit resume to:

Esmeralda Salinas | Program + Support Services Director

Email: lizsalinas1@yahoo.com

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Latin American Music Awards 2022: Nominados, horarios y dónde ver la premiación


El favorito de la noche para llevarse varias estatuillas a casa es Bad Bunny

Latin American Music Awards 2022: Nominados, horarios y dónde ver la premiación
De nueva cuenta se celebrarán los premios Latin American Music Awards 2022 con público, después de que debido a la pandemia en 2020 se tuvieron que cancelar y en 2021 se limitó el número de invitados, y ahora se preparan para tirar la casa por la ventana. 

Los anfitriones oficiales de los Latin AMAs 2022 serán Cristián de la Fuente, Jacqueline Bracamontes y Rafael Amaya, mientras que la alfombra roja estará a cargo de la exMiss Universo Andrea Meza. También habrá entrevistas y accesos VIP conducidos por Ana Jurka, con Alix Aspe, Veronica Bastos y Rodner Figueroa.

Dónde y cuándo

La entrega de premios a lo mejor de la música latina se llevará a cabo este 21 de abril en el Michelob ULTRA Arena ubicado dentro de las instalaciones del Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino en Las Vegas.

Artistas invitados

La noche también se engalanará con varios artistas invitados que estarán amenizando con su música y presencia la entrega de premios y serán los siguientes:

Adriel Favela, Black Eyed Peas, Boza, Calibre 50, Chesca, Chiquis, Christian Nodal, CNCO, Emilia, Esteman, Farruko, Gera MX, Gerardo Ortiz, Gloria Trevi, GOYO, Jesse & Joy, Jhay Cortez, Lit Killah, Los Ángeles Azules, Luis Fonsi, Lupita D’Alessio, María Becerra, Nicki Nicole, NK, Ozuna, Prince Royce, Reik, Sofía Reyes y Tiago PZK.

Dónde verlo en vivo

La entrega de los premios Latin American Music Awards 2022 se podrán ver por el canal de paga de Telemundo. A partir de las 19:00 horas (ET) empezará el desfile de la alfombra roja y la ceremonia arrancará a las 20:00 horas (ET).

También se transmitirán en vivo por la señal de paga de Peacock y la red de cable Universo.

Los nominados

Todos los artistas nominados se enfrentarán en 26 categorías, en las que nuevamente el reggaetón sobresale. El favorito de la noche para llevarse varias estatuillas a casa es Bad Bunny, quien arrasó con un total de 10 nominaciones, mientras que los sigue Jhay Cortez con 8 categorías.

Entre los favoritos a ganar este año también se encuentran J Balvin, Rauw Alejandro, Latina Powerhouse, Karol G, todos ellos con siete nominaciones.

Lista de nominados


Bad Bunny


Eslabon Armado


J Balvin

Jhay Cortez

Karol G

Myke Towers


Rauw Alejandro


Gera MX

Ivan Cornejo

Jay Wheeler

Kali Uchis

Los Legendarios

María Becerra

Mariah Angeliq


Bad Bunny & Jhay Cortez — “Dákiti”

Farruko — “Pepas”

J Balvin & Skrillex — “In Da Getto”

Kali Uchis — “Telepatía”

Rauw Alejandro — “Todo De Ti”


Bad Bunny — El Último Tour del Mundo

Eslabon Armado — Corta Venas

Karol G — KG0516

Rauw Alejandro — Vice Versa


Kali Uchis

Karol G

Natti Natasha


Selena Gomez


Bad Bunny


J Balvin

Jhay Cortez

Myke Towers

Rauw Alejandro



Banda MS de Sergio Lizárraga

Eslabon Armado

Grupo Firme

La Arrolladora Banda El Limón de René Camacho

Los Dos Carnales



Enrique Iglesias

Kali Uchis

Luis Fonsi

Sebastián Yatra

Selena Gomez


Camilo — Mis Manos

CNCO — Déjà Vu

Enrique Iglesias — Final (Vol. 1)

Piso 21 — El Amor En Los Tiempos del Perreo

Selena Gomez — Revelación EP

Tommy Torres — El Playlist de Anoche


Kali Uchis — “Telepatía”

Maluma — “Sobrio”

Rauw Alejandro — “Todo De Ti”

Sebastián Yatra & Myke Towers “Pareja Del Año”


Carin Leon

Christian Nodal

El Fantasma

Junior H

Lenin Ramírez


Banda MS de Sergio Lizárraga

Calibre 50

Eslabon Armado

Grupo Firme

Los Ángeles Azules

Los Dos Carnales


Banda MS de Sergio Lizárraga — El Trabajo Es La Suerte

Christian Nodal — Ahora

Eslabon Armado — Corta Venas

Ivan Cornejo — Alma Vacía

Los Dos Carnales — Al Estilo Rancherón


Banda MS de Sergio Lizárraga — “La Casita”

Calibre 50 — “A La Antigüita”

Gera MX & Christian Nodal — “Botella Tras Botella”

Grupo Firme & Carin Leon — “El Tóxico”

La Arrolladora Banda El Limón de René Camacho — “Mi Primer Derrota”


Anuel AA

Bad Bunny

J Balvin

Jhay Cortez

Karol G


Rauw Alejandro


Bad Bunny — El Último Tour del Mundo

Karol G — KG0516

Maluma — Papi Juancho

Rauw Alejandro — Vice Versa


Bad Bunny & Jhay Cortez– “Dákiti”

Farruko — “Pepas”

J Balvin & Skrillex — “In Da Getto”

Los Legendarios, Wisin & Jhay Cortez — “Fiel”



Carlos Vives

Marc Anthony

Prince Royce

Romeo Santos


El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico — En Cuarentena

Luis Vazquez — Comienzos

Sonora Ponceña — Hegemonía Musical


Aventura & Bad Bunny — “Volví”

Camilo — “Kesi”

Carlos Vives — “Colombia, Mi Encanto”

Daddy Yankee & Marc Anthony — “De Vuelta Pa’ La Vuelta”

Marc Anthony — “Pa’lla Voy”

Prince Royce — “Lao’ a Lao’”



Shawn Mendes


The Weeknd


Aventura & Bad Bunny — “Volví”

Daddy Yankee & Marc Anthony — “De Vuelta Pa’ La Vuelta”

Gera MX & Christian Nodal — “Botella Tras Botella”

Grupo Firme & Carin Leon — “El Tóxico”

Karol G & Mariah Angeliq — “El Makinon”

Los Legendarios, Wisin & Jhay Cortez — “Fiel”


Calibre 50 — “Si Te Pudiera Mentir”

Gera MX & Christian Nodal — “Botella Tras Botella”

Grupo Firme — “Ya Supérame (En Vivo Desde Culiacán, Sinaloa)”

Ivan Cornejo — “Está Dañada”

Kali Uchis — “Telepatía”

Los Legendarios, Wisin & Jhay Cortez — “Fiel”

Nio Garcia, J Balvin & Bad Bunny — “AM”

Sebastián Yatra — “Tacones Rojos”



Enrique Iglesias & Ricky Martin

Grupo Firme

Los Bukis


Marc Anthony


Anitta — “Girl From Rio”

Camilo, Evaluna Montaner — “Índigo”

Christina Aguilera, Ozuna — “Santo”

Daddy Yankee — “Problema”

Gerardo Ortiz, Piso 21 — “Fino Licor”

J Balvin — “Lo Que Dios Quiera”

Ozuna — “La Funka”

Pablo Alborán — “Castillos de Arena”

Reik, María Becerra — “Los Tragos”

Sebastián Yatra — “Melancólicos Anónimos”



Becky G

Camila Cabello



Karol G

Pabllo Vittar

Ricky Martin

Sebastián Yatra


Ex-flight attendant from Houston sentenced after flying with United for decades under fake name


Public defender Victoria Gilcrease-Garcia told the court her client was unlikely to commit a crime again. She said Guedes was an only child who grew up poor after his parents’ marriage faltered and the family bakeries went under. He suffered from depression and bipolar disorder and felt ostracized as a gay youth in a culture did not welcome his sexuality in the 80s, his public defender Victoria Gilcrease-Garcia told the court. She noted that her client didn’t turn to drugs or alcohol, he poured his heart into becoming a flight attendant. He learned English, Spanish, German, Dutch and Arabic.

But the Brazilian airlines rejected him, he told the judge, because he was too old and not classically handsome. After overstaying a tourist visa in the U.S., he rekindled the idea of trying to be a flight attendant in the U.S., which was more accepting of gay men. His supervisor at a pizza joint he was working at told Guedes he could help him get the papers he needed to pursue a job with an airline.

Guedes began using a Social Security card in the dead child’s name. He went on to obtained a pile of official documents in Ladd’s name.

As his lawyer put it, the entire endeavor was “a crime of desperation,” but Guedes never used the ID to steal from or harm others. The accounts in the many letters sent to the judge portrayed a kind, gentle man who helped an elderly passengers find her son upon arrival, volunteered on a flight full of Afghan refugees and sponsored a child in Ghana for the entirety of his schooling.

None of them knew he was not Erik.

According to court documents, the real William Ericson Ladd, of Georgia, died a month before his fifth birthday in a car accident. Guedes used Ladd’s name and his birth certificate which listed his living parents names to obtain a passport.

Forty-two years later on what would have been the boy’s 47th birthday, a flight attendant with that same name on his ID was stopped by customs officials at George Bush Intercontinental Airport.

Ladd’s most recent passport renewal application had raised red flags for consular office. the man going by Ladd had obtained his social security number 22 years after Ladd was born, which was unusually late. A death certificate showed William Ericson Ladd died in 1979. The birth date on Ladd’s death certificate matched the birth date in Ladd’s passport renewal application..

Officials used the fingerprints Guedes gave on his United background check to determine that the man serving drinks and instructing passengers to take their seats on flights to the Netherlands, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Peru to check out whether he was really Ladd. Those prints matched the birth records of a son born to the Guedes family in 1972, according to court documents.

Social media posts of the man posing as Ladd showed him with family in Brazil, where about half his flights as an a United employee had been. A woman linked to those images, Maria Auxiliadora Duarte Guedes, told federal agents from the U.S. Diplomatic Security Service in Brazil that she didn’t know anyone named William Ericson Ladd. But she did have a son born in Brazil. The final piece of the puzzle were the fingerprints on Guedes’ ID card in Brazil. They matched the United employee’s passport application for Ladd.

At Bush Airport in September, Guedes identified himself as William Ericson Ladd. An official warned him it was a federal crime to lie to him. Guedes said he was born in the United States but was raised by his missionary parents in Brazil.

When the official notified him the government had a death certificate for William Ericson Ladd, Guedes became silent, according to court documents. The flight attendant ultimately signed a new fingerprint sheet using the name Ricardo Guedes.

As his scam fell apart, Guedes referenced his lifelong goal aloud. He told officials, “I had a dream, and the dream is over. Now I have to face reality.” He indicated in court he intended to go back to Brazil and care for his parents who are in their 70s.

Before adjourning, the judge addressed Guedes saying, “Good luck to you, sir. I know you have a difficult road ahead and I’m sure that I will never see you and you will never be in court again.”

Guedes smiled at the kindness and responded: “You’re right.”

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Galleria mall shooting suspect arrested, police say


The shooting happened Saturday after a fight broke out in front of the restaurant. The video shows a man pulling out a gun and shooting another man in the leg.

 An arrest has been made in connection with a shooting at the Galleria over the weekend that was caught on video that went viral.

In a press conference Wednesday with Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and Police Chief Troy Finner, it was announced the suspect was arrested earlier in the morning.

According to Finner, the incident was gang-related and not random. A few people that had issues with each other decided to take it out right in front of the crowd, Finner said.

Finner said Galleria security cameras were key to their investigation and arrest.

Police have not released the identity of the suspect.

The shooting happened Saturday around 6:50 p.m. near the Shake Shack restaurant in The Galleria. Video from bystanders uploaded to social media quickly went viral.

The victim was been transported to a hospital and was stable. There has not been an update on his condition.

Police say the suspect took off in a grey sedan after the shooting.

Harris County District Attorney’s office tells Judge Lina Hidalgo to back off grand jury criticism


The Harris County District Attorney’s Office responded Monday to an attack last week by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, who characterized an indictment against three of her staffers as weaponizing the system with a “flimsy” case.

A grand jury last week indicted two current and one former Hidalgo staffer, whom investigators say steered a nearly $11 million COVID-19 vaccine outreach contract to a small Houston-based firm and shared proposal documents with the company before they were made public.

“At best, this is going forward with a fundamental misunderstanding of the facts and, at worst, it is the weaponization of the criminal justice system for political purposes so I’m not going to play into that,” Hidalgo told ABC13’s Steve Campion last Wednesday in her first on-camera interview since the indictments. “My staffers are hardworking people.”

Following Hidalgo’s comments, the Harris County DA’s office is now defending the grand jury, which is made up of 12 community residents.

“Grand jurors give up countless hours of personal and professional time to serve and their service should never be disparaged or dismissed,” Dane Schiller, a spokesperson for the Harris County DA’s Office, said in a statement. “We want to thank the grand jurors in these public corruption cases for their hard work over a five-month period in which they reviewed voluminous documents and heard from numerous witnesses. Our work continues.”

Hidalgo’s campaign spokesperson, Toni Harrison responded Monday afternoon, saying, “No one is disparaging the grand jury – that’s a red herring to deflect attention from recent media reports raising important questions about this investigation. The fact is, we’ll never know what the District Attorney’s Office presented to the grand jurors because the process is secret. As we’ve said since the search warrant affidavits were made public, this investigation appears to have proceeded on a fundamental misunderstanding of the facts. We’re confident now that the legal process has moved into public view, the truth will come out and the staffers who have been wrongly accused will be cleared.”

Alex Triantaphyllis, who is Hidalgo’s current chief of staff but was her deputy chief of staff at the time the allegations took place; Aaron Dunn, then a senior advisor for public safety and emergency management at the county; and Wallis Nader, who is Hidalgo’s deputy policy director, were indicted last Monday. Each one of them was indicted on one count of misuse of official information and one count of tampering with a government record.

“Prosecutors presented the evidence to a Harris County grand jury, which determined there was sufficient evidence for criminal charges,” Schiller said last week.

Search warrants from the investigation include text messages and emails between Triantaphyllis, Dunn and Nader about the contract before it was awarded, but Hidalgo’s legal team has said the snippets of messages in the warrants don’t offer the full picture.

“The facts just don’t add up as they’re being presented,” Hidalgo said. “It’s the middle of an election year and I think it’s very clear that the motivations around this are just to harm me politically and it’s very sad to see the criminal justice system used that way.”

According to investigators, Triantaphyllis, Nader and Dunn allegedly communicated with Elevate Strategies’ Founder Felicity Pereyra in January 2021 and allowed her to review and revise the project’s scope of work for nearly a month before a bid for proposals was publicly available to all on Feb. 19, 2021.

In a Feb. 25, 2021 email, “Pereyra states she had just been invited to bid for Harris County’s large COVID-19 outreach program (campaign) to decrease vaccine hesitancy. She stated that she has ‘really solid relationships in the house and I feel really good about my chances in landing the project (they asked me to design the program beforehand but then were told to go RFP), so I’m just starting to build out a team,'” according to the search warrant.

Elevate Strategies was awarded the multi-million dollar vaccine outreach contract in June 2021, but amid the controversy, it was canceled three months later.

Dunn, Nader, and Triantaphyllis were on the five-person committee tasked with scoring the proposals before it was awarded.

The three of them appeared in court last Tuesday with their attorneys and received $3,500 bond each.

The judge told all three of them that they can’t discuss the case with one another and are also barred from participating in evaluation committees for county contracts.

As they left the courtroom, Triantaphyllis’ attorney Marla Poirot said her client would not be answering any questions.

“There’s been no wrongdoing. We’re glad to be in a fair and objective forum finally. There’s been one side of the story released to date and reported on. We’re excited to have our side of the story out there,” Poirot said.

Derek Hollingsworth, an attorney for Dunn, also did not answer questions but offered a statement.

“I’m proud to represent a public servant. After listening to the prosecutor’s rendition of probable cause, I’m really curious to see how in the world they’re going to prove this case, but I stand by my client. He’s innocent and we look forward to having our day in court,” Hollingsworth said.

Calls to Nader have not been returned and on Tuesday, her attorney declined to comment.

Harris County District Attorney calls for recusal of judge; claims judge is partial to defendants in child sex abuse cases


The Harris County District Attorney’s Office is requesting the recusal of a criminal court judge who they claim is partial to defendants in child sex abuse cases.

In a motion filed April 12, District Attorney Kim Ogg and Assistant District Attorney Tyler White asked Judge Jason Luong of the 185th judicial district to step down from a potential re-trial of a defendant whose case went before his court.

In March, 39-year-old Phillip Recio was sentenced to 25 years in prison after a jury convicted him of continuous sexual abuse of a child. He is now seeking a new trial on the grounds of insufficient counsel.

According to the motion, after Recio’s sentencing, Luong called the prosecutors and defense attorney into his chambers to provide “trial feedback”.

During that meeting, the D.A.’s office alleges the judge told the group he thought the jury got the verdict wrong and the sentence was too harsh “because he personally did not believe there was enough evidence to convict the defendant,” adding that Luong criticized one prosecutor for making the child complainants in sexual abuse cases “too believable”, the motion states.

Prosecutors also claim Luong equated child sexual abuse cases with the Salem witch trials, quoting the judge as saying, “just a mere outcry statement from a child is enough to put a man away for the rest of his life,”.

The motion states that the judge claimed text messages between the child victim and the defendant were “normal” and that he has had similar conversations with a child.

Prosecutors allege the judge was referring to text messages in which Recio told the child he missed her, wanted to cuddle, and begged her to send pictures of herself.

The motion outlines what the state asserts is a similar situation with Judge Luong in February 2022 after the acquittal of a defendant charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child.

Prosecutors say Luong once again called them back to his chambers for “trial feedback” in which the judge told two assistant D.A.’s they were “‘too talented’ to be trying ‘these cases’ and that as a result many innocent men will go to prison,” according to the court document.

The D.A.’s office says during that meeting, Luong continually expressed his belief that children lie.

In court documents, the state wrote: “Judge Luong’s actions have created an appearance of partiality toward the defendant and bias against the law upon which the State is entitled to rely. Therefore he should be recused from further participation in this case,”.

Advocates for child survivors of sexual abuse called the judge’s alleged remarks “unsettling”.

“It was very off-putting to hear some of those comments that were made. Children may minimize or confuse details related to their abuse but they’re rarely going to lie about it,” said Olivia Rivers, chief executive officer of The Bridge Over Troubled Waters, a Harris County non-profit organization that provides safety and support to victims of domestic and sexual violence.

Attorney Brian Wice says he believes the regional presiding judge who will hear the motion to recuse Wednesday morning will grant the state its request.

“Judges essentially are tasked with three plain and simple mandates: One, to call balls and strikes without passion or prejudice. Two, stay the heck out of the way. And three, not care one whit who wins or loses. This motion paints a portrait of a judge who apparently has come up short on one or more of those three mandates,” Wice said.


Dead Man’s Cell Phone at the Alley Theatre

Production photography is now available for Dead Man’s Cell Phone at the Alley Theatre. Written by Sarah Ruhl and directed by Brandon Weinbrenner, Dead Man’s Cell Phone plays in the Hubbard Theatre at the Alley Theatre now through May 8, 2022.

Tickets may be purchased to watch the digital distribution of a live taping, available from May 9 through May 22, 2022.

Please let me know if you would like to schedule an interview with an actor or a creative team member.

www.alleytheatre.org or 713-220-5700


The Alley Theatre, one of America’s leading nonprofit theatres, is a nationally recognized performing arts company led by Artistic Director Rob Melrose and Managing Director Dean R. Gladden. The Alley is committed to developing and producing theatre that is as diverse as the Houston community. The Theatre produces up to 16 plays and nearly 500 performances each season, ranging from the best current work and re-invigorated classic plays to new plays by contemporary writers. Home to a full-time resident company of actors, the Alley engages theatre artists of every discipline—actors, directors, designers, composers, playwrights—who work on individual productions throughout each season as visiting artists.
The Alley is comprised of two state-of-the-art theatres: the 774-seat Hubbard Theatre and the 296-seat Neuhaus Theatre. The Alley reaches over 200,000 people each year through its performance, education, and community engagement programs. Its audience enrichment programs include pre-show and post-performance talks, events, and workshops for audience members of all ages.