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Mayor Sylvester Turner and City Council Approve Historic Paid Parental Leave Policy for City Employees


Watch: Mayor Sylvester Turner, city council members and HOPE and SEIU representatives discuss the recently passed parental leave policy for municipal workers.
Marking a historic day in the city of Houston, Mayor Sylvester Turner and City Council unanimously approved a paid parental leave policy for municipal employees.

Beginning May 14, 2022, eligible employees can request paid parental leave instead of relying only on saved vacation time or unpaid leave after the birth or adoption of a child.

The new policy covers any person who has been with the City of Houston as a full-time employee for at least six continuous months before the initial use of the paid leaves for prenatal, parental and/or infant wellness. Part-time and temporary employees are not eligible.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Chairwoman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Calls Upon Congress to Act Immediately and Swiftly with Bipartisan Support to Enact Real and Effective Gun Violence Prevention Laws to Stop the Surge of Mass Shootings and Gun Violence


Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, called for decisive action to protect Americans from gun violence as New York City reels from Tuesday’s mass shooting in a subway train as it approached a Brooklyn station.

 The heinous, random shooting in Brooklyn, where the masked gunman also used smoke bombs, is just the latest in the epidemic of mass casualty shootings. The carnage – ten people shot, five of whom are in critical condition, with a total of 29 people injured – as well as the recent mass shootings in Sacramento and Dallas among many others cries out for Congress to work together with President Biden on a bipartisan, bicameral basis to pass serious, effective reforms to our gun laws.


“We are past the time when some in Congress offer only their thoughts and prayers while withholding their votes and support for real reforms that would protect people,” Rep. Jackson Lee asserted. “Congress must pass gun reforms immediately, convincingly, rapidly, and confidently, without being intimidated by the NRA or other groups that are completely out of touch with today’s realities and current facts. Millions of Americans demand protection and safety. Our responsibility as Members of Congress is to answer that call by stopping the scourge of gun violence and mass shootings.”


President Biden took a major step on Monday by instituting a new initiative to rein in the proliferation of untraceable “ghost guns” that enable criminals to evade accountability. But more must be done, and Congress does have solutions. Universal background check legislation is imperative, as background checks must be mandatory for the purchase of a firearm regardless of who is selling them, and no gun should be transferred to a purchaser without a background check being completed.


Key legislation for gun violence prevention includes Congresswoman Jackson Lee’s bill, the Kimberly Vaughn Firearm Safe Storage Act, and “red flag” bills that would allow police or family members to get an “extreme risk protective order” from a court. Additionally, to complement the Biden administration’s initiative on “ghost guns”, Congress should codify “ghost gun” restrictions into law.


“I stand in solidarity with the people of New York City as we all express our sympathy to the shooting victims and others who were injured, as well as their families and loved ones,” added Rep. Jackson Lee. “As this mass shooting, like others, spreads fear among so many, we must respond with fortitude and resilience to ensure public safety.”


“But rest assured that this shooting, and others in this incessant wave of mindless mass shootings, will not go unanswered,” Rep. Jackson Lee continued. “I demand real action for gun violence prevention and will reinforce the effort for passage of reforms to our gun access and safety laws. Because gun violence inflicts tragedies on families across the country, regardless of political party or ideology, I believe that bipartisan support for practical, effective, smart legislation that protects all Americans is achievable.”

Publicación 1234 de SAN ANTONIO – Revista Digital 14 de abril –20 de abril / 2022

Gracias por SEGUIRNOS, este artículo contiene la revista digital de SAN ANTONIO de ¡Que Onda Magazine! De fecha 20 de enero – 26 de enero / 2022

Women empowering the next generation


Interview with Blanca Beltran, Community Advocate


Dreaming about the future and making strides to accomplish those dreams are two different scenarios. Community advocate and influencer Blanca Beltran is a good example of living your life to the fullest despite any odds against you and living a life she describes as “unbothered.”

Sitting down in a candid interview with Beltran you immediately feel empowered and encouraged from listening to the journey she took along her life’s trajectory towards her goals. Born in south Texas and raised in Houston’s East End, Beltran is a Milby High School graduate and garnered her degree in Journalism from the University of Houston (UH). “We’ve all created our own lanes in life,” Beltran said. “What you think matters. If you think you can, you will. Stop listening to the outside noise and dive into what truly brings you joy and do more of that.” And dive is what Beltran has done throughout her storied career.

From the beginning, it was evident Beltran was on a mission to create a bright future without any road map except that her father wanted her to get married and did not understand why she worked so hard for anything else. Being the first in her family to get a degree from UH, Beltran knew she was destined for more. “I never was mad at [my father] nor my mom – that was what they knew, and it was up to me to break the generational cycle.”

She worked at ABC13 for 18 years. She began as a news writer and then transitioned into a producer for the Debra Duncan show, eventually forming part of the digital department. Beltran admits leaving ABC13 was tough, but she knew she was ready to walk into the next chapter of her life. As a well-known creative and influencer of the Houston community, Beltran transitioned as a media as a correspondent for HTV Houston Television.

Today, Beltran is a host for Champions Club Radio and an Executive Producer/host for Barrio Kids Network. She is also the Media Chair for the non-profit Aeolian Manor Foundation and the PR and Marketing Chair of the Alley Theatre/El Zocalo Advisory Committee. She also works a full-time corporate job by day and enjoys sharing her lifelong passion for good health as a fitness instructor.

“I am in my 4th career, and my biggest message is you can reinvent yourself at any age,” Beltran said. “The major component is to surround yourself with like-minded people to garner your goals. Age is just a number, said the 52-year-old, who often gets mistaken for looking a lot younger. “Your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind – train it well!”

Beltran credits many mentors for guiding her along the way, like her sister. “My sister was always such a rock for me.”  Hector De Leon, a life-long friend, encouraged her to stay in school and get her UH degree. Baldemar Rodriguez, Alley Theatre, Manager of Community Partnerships, is someone Beltran says- “fuels the creative part” in her.

She also is grateful to Elva Trevino, Owner of Champions Club, for including her as part of a photoshoot when she turned 50. An opportunity Beltran said was life-changing being surrounded by other empowering women leaders. They both have united and will host a self-development and leadership conference on May 1st to help continue make an impact in our community globally.

At night and most weekends, Beltran is actively involved in giving back to her community through her volunteer work and philanthropic efforts. During the pandemic in 2021, she was instrumental in creating a Champions Club Podcast alongside Trevino to give a platform for others to share their stories during these unprecedented times.

A timeline of events Beltran has been involved with from 2018 to 2022 includes:

2018 G7 Awards co-emcee

2019 Go Tejano Fashion Show co-emcee

2019 Asian American Real Estate Association Gala co-emcee

2021 Go Tejano Fashion Show co-emcee

2021 Fitness Instructor for AARP 6-week online series

2021 Mariachi Festival co-emcee

2022 Mariachi Festival co-emcee

Beltran’s greatest role, you may say, is that of being a mom to her two boys. “My boys are my everything,” Beltran said. “I want to show them not to be afraid of overcoming fear by conquering new things that are very much out of my comfort zone.”

Beltran shared that she would like to leave behind a legacy of giving back. Even at the tender age of nine, Beltran said she remembers telling her father she wanted to help others. One look at her Instagram tells the story of this young girl who grew into a creative force inspiring others to live life to the fullest. Encouraging others with her message to “wake up daily with gratitude and be a beacon of hope for those who are still trying to navigate their journey.”

BYLINE: Sonia Ramirez

Notice of Proposed Goal for the Participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Federal Transit Administration Assisted Contracts


As required by Section 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26, the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County has determined a proposed overall goal of 19% for the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) in its FY20 – FY22 contracts which are funded by U.S. Department of Transportation.

The proposed goal and its rationale are available for inspection during normal business hours at the Metropolitan Transit Authority’s Headquarters, 1900 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002; in Room 2021.  The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County and the Federal Transit Administration will accept written comments on the proposed goal through July 30, 2019.

Written comments may be directed to Metropolitan Transit Authority Office of Small Business, Attention:  Karen Hudson, P.O. Box 61429, Houston, Texas 77208-1429 or Federal Transit Administration:  Attention:  Robert C. Patrick, Regional Administrator, Region VI, Federal Transit Administration, 819 Taylor Street, Room 14A02, Fort Worth, TX 76102.


Mayor Sylvester Turner Leads Successful Trade and Tourism Mission to Mexico


“Houston Week” Strengthens Diplomatic and Global Trade Ties between Houston and Mexico

Mayor Sylvester Turner and the 2022 Houston Week Mexico Mission Delegation
Mayor Sylvester Turner, Houston First Corp., and the Greater Houston Partnership led Houston’s first international trade mission since the pandemic to Mexico over a week ago, with stops in Monterrey (March 28 – 30) and Mexico City (March 30 – April 1).

The “Houston Week” delegation departed to Monterrey on March 28, 2022 and was joined by strategic partners like Houston Airport System and United Airlines as part of an aggressive strategy that reinforced Houston’s position as the top city for global trade, tourism, business, and leisure travel from Mexico.

“We chose Mexico as the destination for our first international trade mission since the pandemic because we recognize the critical importance of the business and tourism ties between the two regions,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner. “Houston Week allowed us to strengthen our diplomatic ties by engaging in business development and corporate and travel trade meetings that included an experiential evening event that showcased the very best that our city has to offer. I want to thank Houston First, the Greater Houston Partnership and the entire delegation for representing Houston in an exceptional manner.”

The Houston Week leadership consisted of Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Houston First President and CEO Michael Heckman, Greater Houston Partnership Senior Vice President and Chief Economic Development Officer Susan Davenport, Houston City Council Member David Robinson, City of Houston Chief Development Officer Andy Icken and Houston Airports System Director Mario Diaz.

“Mexico is Houston’s largest market for international visitation and accounts for 70 percent of international travelers coming to the city,” said Houston First Corp. President and CEO Michael Heckman. “The intention of developing a unified tourism and trade delegation for the inaugural Houston Week was to achieve high impact for Houston and build upon relationships in Mexico through extensive media coverage, generation of social media buzz and by connecting with key diplomats, business leaders and travel trade professionals.”

In Monterrey, Mayor Turner and the Houston Week leadership met with Monterrey Mayor Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas and participated in an informative luncheon hosted by the City of Monterrey.

Mayor Turner and Monterrey Mayor Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas
Mayor Turner also joined Houston First President and CEO Michael Heckman, Nuevo León Governor Samuel Alejandro Garcia Sepúlveda and members of Governor Garcia Sepúlveda’s administration for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding or MOU between Houston First and the State of Nuevo León to strengthen existing ties between the State of Nuevo León and the City of Houston.

MOU Signing with Houston First President and CEO Michael Heckman, Nuevo León Governor Samuel Alejandro Garcia Sepúlveda and members of Governor Garcia Sepúlveda’s administration
The delegation also participated in a global trade roundtable discussion with Mexico’s Minister of Economy Tatiana Clouthier.

Meeting with Mexico’s Minister of Economy Tatiana Clouthier
The delegation toured the Tecnologico de Monterrey campus, a highly renowned academic institution known for its innovation-led academic model that excels in the fields of engineering, technology, social sciences, and management.

Mayor Turner tours the Tecnologico de Monterrey campus with student ambassadors and Vice President for the Monterrey Region Mario Adrian Flores Castro
The tour was followed by a lunch and business roundtable with Martha Herrera Gonzalez, Secretary of Equality and Inclusion for the State of Nuevo León, and who currently sits on the board of Resilient Cities Network with Mayor Turner.

Mayor Turner exchanges gifts with Nuevo Leon’s Secretary of Equality and Inclusion Martha Herrera Gonzalez
In Mexico City, the Houston Week Leadership met with Mexico’s Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs Roberto Velasco and joined the delegation for a round table discussion with Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism Minister Miguel Torruco.

Mayor Turner and Mexico’s Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs Roberto Velasco

Round table discussion with Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism Minister Miguel Torruco

Mayor Turner and the Houston Week Leadership also met with the Mayor of Mexico City Claudia Shienbaum. The two Mayors discussed approaches to common challenges facing both cities, such as affordable housing, equitable economic development, climate adaptation, and building urban resilience.

Mayor Turner presents a gift to the Mayor of Mexico City Claudia Shienbaum
The hallmark of Houston Week was “Hola Houston” a dynamic sensory and culinary experience that took place on March 29 in the Monterrey area and on March 31 in Mexico City. Invited guests had the opportunity to engage with some of Houston’s most iconic artists, designers, mixologists, and James Beard award-winning chefs.

Houston Council Member David Robinson and Houston chef’s, artists, designers, and mixologists welcome guests to the Hola Houston event in Monterrey
Nuevo León Governor Samuel Alejandro Garcia Sepúlveda is scheduled to be in Houston on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 as a guest speaker for Mexico 2025 and Beyond, an initiative led by Rice University’s Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico. He will address his vision for the post-López Obrador era and the role of his state in building Mexico’s future.

“I look forward to welcoming Nuevo León Governor Samuel Alejandro Garcia Sepúlveda to the City of Houston on April 26,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner. “The relationship between Houston and Mexico has never been stronger and we look forward to continuing to build increased cooperation between the two regions for years to come.”

For more information on Houston Week, please visit houstonfirst.com.

¿Qué Onda Con Inmigración?


Cuál es el papel de los medios de comunicación al hablar de inmigración?Una de las reformas más importantes al derecho migratorio que ha sucedido durante la administración del presidente Joe Biden es la cancelación de la póliza migratoria acerca de deportaciones conocida como “Tolerancia Cero.” Bajo Tolerancia Cero, cualquier persona indocumentada, sin importar el tiempo de estar en el país, corría riesgo de ser puesto en proceso de deportación. La nueva forma de decidir quién debe de enfrentar un proceso de deportación, incluye un análisis más humanitario que toma en cuenta los beneficios que la comunidad inmigrante aporta a este país. Esta póliza ahora es basada en Prioridades para Deportación, las cuales son divididas en tres partes. En general, la comunidad indocumentada no debe tener miedo de enfrentar un proceso migratorio de deportación si no es parte de uno de los siguientes tres grupos: Riesgo a la seguridad nacional, si una persona es considerada terrorista o atenta contra la seguridad del país, esta persona será prioridad de deportación por representar un riesgo a la seguridad del país. Riesgo a la comunidad, si una persona se comporta de una forma en la que pone el riesgo la seguridad de la comunidad donde vive, por ejemplo, manejando intoxicado o bajo la influencia de drogas esta persona puede enfrentar cargos de deportación, y la tercera categoría incluye a las personas que son recién llegadas al país y que están cerca de la frontera, dichas personas también son prioridad de deportación.

Este cambio es importante porque le da paz a muchas personas que han vivido con miedo de ser deportadas a pesar de haber vivido en este país por muchos años. De acuerdo con estas prioridades, la mayoría de los más de once millones de indocumentados en el país no entrarían en ninguna de las tres categorías. Claro que la meta es una reforma migratoria completa con un camino a la ciudadanía, lo cual es algo que ha sido prometido una y otra vez por distintos gobiernos y que  todavía no se ha hecho una realidad, pero podemos decir que esto es un buen comienzo que enseña que la Casa Blanca tiene la voluntad de ayudar a la comunidad indocumentada de una  u otra manera; con la ayuda del Congreso obteniendo una reforma complete o por medio de acciones unilaterales que por lo menos mejoran la calidad de vida de nuestros hermanos indocumentados. La lucha debe de continuar y nuestras peticiones para que la reforma sea una realidad es importante, pero también es importante celebrar los pequeños logros que hacen que nuestras comunidades permanezcan más tranquilas.


By Silvia Mintz es abogada en Houston.

Intocable encabezará MexTour Live


Entradas para el concierto de Intocable estarán disponibles a partir del 19 de abril a través de www.mextour.org 

  • MexTour Live, presentado por Gillete Labs, la mejor experiencia de fútbol para fanáticos, regresa al centro de Dallas el 25 de mayo con un concierto de Intocable
  • El DJ mexicano-estadounidense, DJ Deorro, encabezará el espectáculo del medio tiempo el 28 de mayo cuando la Selección Nacional de México se enfrente a Nigeria en el AT&T Stadium
  • MexTour también anuncia y revela su himno/canción oficial producido por DJ Deorro – el primer himno del Tour
  • Los fanáticos de todo el país podrán comprar boletos para los juegos y el MexTour Live a través de mextour.org a partir del 19 de abril a las 10 a.m. CT.
  • MexTour Live es parte de una colaboración histórica entre DSC, Los Caballeros de Dallas, y FC Dallas.

La Federación Mexicana de Fútbol (FMF) y su socio comercial en Estados Unidos, Soccer United Marketing (SUM), anunciaron hoy el regreso a Dallas de MexTour Live -presentado por Gillette Labs- el 25 de mayo, encabezado por la banda norteña de tejanos/mexicanos-estadounidenses, Intocable. El evento es parte de una semana de actividades previas al partido MexTour del 28 de mayo en el estadio AT&T contra Nigeria, el cual contará con un espectáculo especial de medio tiempo encabezado por el DJ mexicano-estadounidense, DJ Deorro.

Estas colaboraciones musicales son parte del compromiso de FMF de conectar a los mexicoamericanos que viven en los EE. UU. con sus raíces mexicanas a través de la música y el fútbol. FMF tiene como objetivo lanzar una serie de actos musicales de diferentes géneros y generaciones en el espectáculo de medio tiempo de cada partido.

Este año, #MexTour visitará varias ciudades de los Estados Unidos, tales como Orlando, Dallas, Phoenix, Chicago y Atlanta. Para preinscribirse para obtener información sobre boletos de eventos futuros, se invita a los fanáticos a visitar www.MexTour.org, la página oficial para fanáticos que contiene la información más reciente sobre la visita del equipo a las ciudades de EE. UU. durante todo el año, así como el calendario completo de la gira y las fechas de venta, guía y actividades del día del partido, eventos públicos y más. Además, los fanáticos pueden visitar la tienda electrónica oficial de la Selección Mexicana de EE. UU., ShopMNT.com, que cuenta con lo último en ropa del equipo, como camisetas, gorras, y otros artículos.

“Estamos entusiasmados con la oportunidad de ser parte de esta celebración del fútbol. MexTour es una gran plataforma para acercarnos a nuestros fanáticos y a los fanáticos de la música regional que viven en los EE. UU. Sabemos que existe una conexión especial entre nuestra música y los mexicanos a medida que ellos mantienen su relación con sus raíces”, dijo Ricardo Muñoz de Intocable. “Esperamos que nuestros fanáticos estén tan emocionados como nosotros y listos para cantar Me Dueles, Sueña, Te Perdono y más de nuestras canciones”.

Los partidos de la gira estadounidense de la Selección Nacional de México se han convertido en uno de los eventos más populares del deporte, con un promedio de 60,000 fanáticos por partido en la última década. Con casi 90 partidos jugados desde 2002, la Selección Mexicana ha podido usar los partidos no solo para prepararse para competencias importantes como la Copa Mundial de la FIFA y la Copa Oro de Concacaf, sino también para llegar a su ferviente base de seguidores en toda América del Norte.

“Este año, estamos haciendo este MexTour un poco más especial al traer grandes colaboraciones, incluyendo a Intocable y también a DJ Deorro, quien produjo el primer himno de MexTour”, dijo el vicepresidente de propiedades internacionales de SUM, Pablo Zarate.

“Como mexicano, me siento honrado de unirme a La Selección Nacional de México durante la gira de este año. Mientras crecía, mi familia se reunía para ver los juegos de El Tri”, dijo DJ Deorro. “Estoy entusiasmado por tocar durante el espectáculo de medio tiempo en Dallas el 28 de mayo”.

Three of Lina Hidalgo’s aides, including chief of staff, indicted in Harris County contract award scandal


The felony charges are misuse of official information and tampering with a government record. Hidalgo, who oversees Harris County, has the largest constituency of any elected Democratic executive in the state.

Judge Lina Hidalgo visits the Harris County Public Health Department in Houston on May 13, 2020.

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