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El Hombre Ideal Para Ti


Toda mujer anda en búsqueda del hombre perfecto.

¿Será que existe? ¡Claro que no! El hombre ideal es una fantasía, lo que sí existe es el hombre perfecto para ti. Tal vez piensas que el hombre ejemplar debe tener tus mismos gustos, intereses y genio. ¡Bájate de es anube! Son las diferencias las que determinan si alguien es bueno ono para ti. Quien tenga en abundancia lo que a ti te falta, es un gran complemento. Por ejemplo, si eres impaciente te beneficiarás de una pareja tolerante que te ayuda a tomar las cosas con mayor calma o si eres tímida y tu novio es extrovertido, te ayudará as er menos cohibida en situacion essociales. Lo importante no es seriguales, sino compatibles.

Aunque las diferencias aportan mucho a una relación, el hombre perfecto para ti tiene que compartir dos puntos esencia les que no son negociables: metas futuras y valores morales. Es decir, no te involucres con quien ambiciona aventurarse por el mundo, cuando tú mueres por establecer un hogar fijo. Tampoco te enamores de un ateo sila espiritualidad es uno de tus principios.

En la búsqueda de tu media naranja toma en cuenta estas tres cosas:

  1. Para encontrar una pareja con las cualidades que deseas, debes estar dispuesta a ofrecer lo mismo. Es decir, si deseas a un hombre fiel, debes ser leal y si quieres a alguien cariñoso, aprende a ser amorosa.
  2. Si conoces a un nuevo pretendiente y no sientes atracción inmediata, sal con él por lo menos tres veces antes de decir “No hay química”. La compatibilidad crece con el tiempo.
  3. El hombre ideal para ti, existe. No te impacientes, ni te conformes con menos y verás cómo va a llegar.

No te limites con una idea fantasiosa del hombre ideal. ¡Nadie es perfecto! pero hay pareja sen las que cada uno es ideal para el otro. No busques la perfección,¡busca tu afinidad con él!

María Marín motivadora internacional.

Visita el canal de Youtube:“El Empujoncito de Maria Marin”Siguela en Facebook mariamarin

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Visita: www.MariaMarin.com

Tony Buzbee for Mayor


What news can you tell us about your campaign?

I have added $4 million dollars to my campaign, for a total of $6 million contributed. The current Mayor is bringing in, on average, $110,000 a month from special interest groups doing or seeking to do business with the City. We won’t be outspent on what is now a two-man race.

Moreover, the International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA) recently followed the Houston Federation of Teachers in rescinding their support for Sylvester Turner. I am calling on all unions todo the same and to support our campaign because I understand the importance of the collective bargaining process and will fight for it.

What prompted you to run for mayor?

I’m at a point in my life where I’m at the top of my career. I’ve done well for myself. I’ve raised my children, I’ve served in a variety of capacities, the last of which as a regent of Texas A&M University system. I’ve lived and worked in the city for a long time and Houston needs help. So I’ve put my name in the arena to be considered mayor. I think I would make a good mayor unencumbered by any campaign donations or special interests groups. Essentially, I’m motivated by one single goal: to make the city work for the people that live here.

Can you elaborate on this as your core platform?

It all starts by cleaning up City Hall so that the government works for the people. A lot of Mayor Turner’s campaign donations come from out-of-state individuals or groups looking todo business with the City. What we’ve found is that a lot of the people who are getting these contracts with the city are not doing good work. So before we can talk about addressing core issues such as alleviating flooding, fixing the streets, picking up trash on time, and putting more police officers in rotation, we need to first clean up City Hall and make sure that our government is operating efficiently and without bias.

What would you do once you are elected?

We need to take an honest, brutal assessment of city finances and current policy. What we find when we try and get information from the City, is that they hide the ball. Whether it’s background information on a convicted sex offender that was reading to children in the library, paying $2.5 million on veteran services with no measurable results or wasting $73 million on an airport redevelopment project with no actual development to date. Once we have an honest accounting, we can sit down with union leaders and negotiate an amicable working agreement. I have 20 years of experience in negotiating very big deals where you give a little and at times must be firm. I think all these union conflicts could be worked out and I know it’s in the best interest of our City.

To what do you attribute the large turnout at your campaign rallies?

There is a lot of excitement among Houstonians in supporting our campaign with standing room only attendance, because I think people are ready for a change.

When I’m elected, I’m going to roll up my sleeves and go into City Hall and do what it takes to make the city work better for the people. I think residents are weary of the same old same old. Every time there is an impending storm, people worry about flooding and protecting their property.

Another consistent issue or the rise in is crime. This mayor promised to put 500 more police officers on the street and he hasn’t delivered on that promise. In fact, there are fewer police officers now than when he took office. We are an international city and we are missing out on conventions coming to our city because the firefighters are in litigation with the police which are in litigation with the city. We cannot have that as a forward-moving city.

What is the latest on donating all your mayoral salary to an individual?

Many have responded positively to the fact that I’m going to serve the city out of a desire to make it work for the people. I think I’m going to give it to a cause or group of individuals. I’ve pretty much been convinced that giving it to one individual is probably not the way to go. And I think this gives you a sense of how I operate.

If I have a good idea, I can still be persuaded. So I haven’t yet decided who the recipient is going tobe. Maybe we can have a “write in” with suggestions on our website. This mayor makes $236,000 a year, which is one of the highest salaries in the country. In fact, this mayor makes more per year, than the mayor of New York City and yet he has spent more than 125 days outside the city, most of those days outside of the country, on taxpayer money. He has a detail of 8 police officers and twoSUV’s where he goes around to breakfasts, luncheons or dancing at some party. When I’m mayor, you are not going to see me in South America, all over Europe, or some other country, unless there is a legitimate reason. You are going to see me on the streets, managing the work, doing what you expect the mayor to do.

With the recent surge in the Latino vote, how will you appeal to Latinos?

In life, I’ve learned we all want the same thing: we want a city government what works for us. We all travel the same streets and we all want safe communities. We all want to make sure that if our house or apartment catches on fire, that first responders will respond quickly. Latinos make up a large part of the city and many groups feel left out. Under my watch, I’m going to make sure everyone has a seat at the table so that everyone feels they are part of the process.

Why do you think you had such a large number of Latinos at your kick off rally?

I think people of every demographic are connecting with my message and they think, ‘This guy can’t be bought. This guy is going to listen to the people and do what’s best for the city. Here’s a guy who doesn’t need the job. Here is a guy who hasn’t been in government all his life, who is not a career politician. Here’s a guy who’s going to give his salary away and he’s not taking campaign donations and he’s talking about things that are important to me. He’s going to make my family safe, make the roads better, do something about flooding.’

Also, I’m not a trust-fund kid. I think I appeal to all demographics because I come from a working class family; I’ve worked my way up from the bottom.

Is free representation for firefighters still on the table?

We need a stronger voice in Washington D.C. and the state capital. We need more dredging of the San Jacinto River. We need more capacity on the west side of Houston. We need the mayor to be involved in the decision to open, or not open, the reservoir gates. This mayor was a spectator in the last storm. He was not an active leader until after the storm hit. There has been nearly a billion dollars collected on from the drainage fee, but very little has been spent on actual drainage projects. According to this mayor, filling a pot hole is a drainage project. I reject that notion.

What will you do to prevent another disaster like hurricane Harvey?

We need a stronger voice in Washington D.C. and the state capital. We need more dredging of the San Jacinto River. We need more capacity on the west side of Houston. We need the mayor to be involved in the decision to open, or not open, the reservoir gates. This mayor was a spectator in the last storm. He was not an active leader until after the storm hit. There has been nearly a billion dollars collected on from the drainage fee, but very little has been spent on actual drainage projects. According to this mayor, filling a pot hole is a drainage project. I reject that notion.

Latinos are underrepresented in employment with the city and Metro, what will you do to change this?

I see that too. I recognize that and we are going to work hard to ensure equal representation for all people. Every demographic should have a seat at the table.

What will you do to fix Houston’s transportation problems?

First, we have a very inefficient way of filling pot holes. We may have to spend more to do the job right the first time, but it will save us money in the long run. We also need a comprehensive plan that includes light rail, new major thoroughfares and street repairs.

What will do you do about pension reform?

I’ve spent a lot of time with pension experts and as far as we can see, both the police officers’ and firefighters’ pensions are good for five years. So any so called reforms are not needed, but at some point though, we are going to need help from the state.

That’s something I’m going to work on during my first term.

How do you think your relationships on both sides of the aisle in Washington and Austin will help the city?

I think one of the reasons the City of Houston doesn’t get more help from the federal or state government, is because of the leadership we have in Houston. Over the years, I’ve made sure that I speak with and have open lines of communication with both sides. I don’t identify with either side. I’m just a guy trying to make Houston better. Both my friends at the state and federal government tell me they could do more, but they don’t because of the current leadership.

How will you help Houston ISD?

First, HISD needs to sort out their leadership issue. I would also strongly advocate at the state level for more equitable funding. We also need to make sure our teachers are taken care of and paid what they deserve. Proper funding for our public schools and teachers should be viewed as a long-term investment rather than a line-item expense.

Recap: Houston Dynamo 1, La Galaxy 2


The Houston Dynamo dropped their first game of the season tonight, falling 2-1 to the LA Galaxy at DignityHealth Sports Park on Friday night.

The Galaxy struck first by virtue of a penalty kick goal from forward Zlatan Ibrahimovic. TheSwedish international drew the penalty when he went down in the penalty area after contact withDynamo defender A.J. DeLaGarza. Dynamo goalkeeper Joe Willis guessed correctly and got his lefthand on Ibrahimovic’s shot, but wasn’t able to push it wide.

The Dynamo equalized in the 53rd minute, also through a penalty. Forward Alberth Elis won the spot kick after he was brought down at the edge of the penalty area by Galaxy defender Jørgen Skjelvik after a quick restart from DeLaGarza. Elis stepped up and coolly rolled his attempt inside the left post for his fourth goal of the season.

The Galaxy found the winner in the 85th minute off of a corner kick when defender Diego Polenta headed midfielder Jonathan dos Santos’ corner just inside of the back post and just past a diving effort from Willis.

Houston pressed for a second goal throughout the final10 minutes, starting with a brilliant individual effort from Elis in which he stripped his defender and put himself one-on-one with the goalkeeper, but his shot hit the side netting. Three minutes later, Elis played the role of creator, chipping a ball to forward Mauro Manotas behind the back line, but Manotas’ low shot was saved by goalkeeper David Bingham.

A minute after Polenta’s goal midfielder Memo Rodriguez, who came on in the 70th minute, nearly leveled things with an audacious chip from 60 yards, forcing Bingham to backtrack and leap to snag the shot.

The loss snaps Houston’s five-game unbeaten run to start the year, but despite the result the Dynamo are still out to the best start to a season in club history with 14 points through six games. The Dynamo return home to BBVA Compass Stadium on Saturday, April 27 to host Columbus Crew SC for the club’s inaugural End Cancer Night, presented by The University of Texas MDAnderson Cancer Center. Tickets for the match are on sale now, starting at $24, at HoustonDynamo.com or by phone at 713-2764625 (GOAL).

Source: houstondynamo.com

La Mejor Sugerencia Para Inmigrantes Que Quieran La Naturalización


Los Residentes Permanentes que ya tienen opciónpara aplicar por la naturalización deberán hacerlo lo antesposible, alertó el abogado migratorio Allan Wernick, debido a quehay planes de que aumenta la tarifa, además de la posible aplicación de la “carga pública”.

En su cuenta columna semanal en el Daily News, Wernick–quien además de abogado es y director del programa Citizenship Now! de la Universidad de New York– indicó que la oficina de Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración (USCIS) están planeando “hacer más difícil obtener unaexención de cuotas… (además) de que probablemente aumentará la tarifa en los próximos meses”.

El experto, quien cada semana orienta a inmigrantes sobrediversos casos migratorios, indicó que bajo las actuales reglas, un inmigrante todavía puede “calificar automáticamente para unaexención de cuotas, si está recibiendo un beneficio público de eficacia media, como Medicaid, SSI ocupones de alimentos”.

Agregó que también serían beneficiadas aquellas personas que tienen un ingreso igual o inferior al 150% de las pautas federales de pobreza o si tiene dificultades financieras a corto plazo.

“Bajo la nueva regla propuesta, obtener un beneficio deprueba de recursos no lo calificará para una exención”, alertó. “Paraobtener una exención, deberá cumplir con el ingreso familiar o la prueba de dificultades financieras a corto plazo”.

Indicó que aunque USCIS mantendrá la exención, el proceso para solicitarlo será mucho más complicado. Wernick insistió en que si un inmigrante ha sido Residente Permanente durante casi cinco años (tres años si califica según las reglas para el cónyuge de un ciudadano estadounidense), no debe esperar más para solicitar la ciudadanía.

El experto remitió a los interesados a la línea de la Oficinade Nuevos Americanos del Estado de Nueva York, 1-800-566-7636 o llamar 311, así como pedir información al programa CitizenshipNow! al 1-646-664-9400.

Cabe recordar que algunas oficinas, como en Long Island, el tiempo promedio para este beneficio es máximo de 10 meses, peroen algunas otras, como en Los Ángeles, California puede ser de hasta 18 meses.

Premios Billboard De La Música Latina Sorprenderá Con Grandes Estrenos Mundiales El 25 DE Abril a Las 8pm / 7c Por Telemundo


Luis Fonsi, Yandel, J. Balvin, Nicky Jam, Rosalía, Sean Paul, Javier Rosas, Kany García, El Guincho, Adriel Favela, Pedro Capo, Fonseca y Raulín Rodríguez se unen a la Lista de Artistas que Cantarán en la Premiación

El escenario de los Premios Billboard de la Música Latina 2019 deslumbrará con estrenos mundiales y debuts televisivos de los más grandes artistas de la música en español incluyendo a Marc Anthony, Nicky Jam, Romeo Santos, Luis Fonsi y Ozuna, entre otros.

Telemundo también reveló hoy el elenco final de artistas que se presentarán en el espectacular magno evento, incluida la superestrella internacional Luis Fonsi, el popular cantante puertorriqueño de reggaetón Yandel, la estrella colombiana del reggaetón J Balvin, el influyente reggaetonero Nicky Jam, la sensación del flamenco moderno Rosalía, el cantautor y productor musical jamaiquino de reggae Sean Paul, el cantante de Regional Mexicano y norteño Javier Rosas, Puerto Rican singer and songwriter Kany García el cantante español de pop/trap Latino El Guincho, el artista de Regional Mexicano Adriel Favela, el cantautor puertorriqueño de pop Pedro Capo, el cantautor y productor colombiano Fonseca, y el cantante de bachata Raulín Rodríguez. Ellos se unen a las actuaciones anteriormente anunciadas de Anitta, Anuel, Bad Bunny, Banda MS, Becky G, Carlos Vives, CNCO, Karol G, Marc Anthony, Ozuna, Reik, Romeo Santos, Sebastian Yatra y Wisin.

Billboard y Telemundo también honrarán a Juan Luis Guerra con el Premio Billboard Trayectoria Artística. Conducido este año por la reconocida actriz, conductora de TV e influyente, [Gaby Espino (https://www. instagram.com/gabyespino/), los Premios Billboard de la Música Latina destacarán estrellas del cine, la televisión y la música que presentarán premios este año incluyendo a: Ana Jurka , Dr. Ana Maria Polo , Chocquibtown , Elyfer Torres , Erick Elias,Erik Hayser, Eugenio Derbez, Gente de Zona, Isabela Moner, J.R. Ramirez, Jacky Bracamontes, Jorge Salinas, Juanes , Kate Del Castillo , Lupillo Rivera, Marjorie de Sousa, Mark Tacher, Natti Natasha, Regulo Caro, Sofia Reyes, Raymix, Ulices Chaidez y Leila Cobo de Billboard.

Contenido exclusivo de la ceremonia de tres horas de duración, al igual que la lista completa de finalistas en todas las categorías, se puede encontrar en PremiosBillboard.com, la página web oficial de los Premios Billboard de la Música Latina 2019. Los fans pueden unirse a la conversación usando #Billboards2019 y formar parte de la acción del evento siguiendo @LatinBillboards por Twitter, Instagram y Facebook, y en Snapchat como TeamTelemundo.

BLMA Tweet: .@luisfonsiofici2 @yandeloficial @JBALVIN @NickyJamPR @Rosaliavt @duffypaul @javierrosasap @ kanygarcia @el_guincho @adriel_ favela@pedrocapo @Fonseca @ RaulinRguezRD cantarán en los @LatinBillboards 4-25 8pm/7c @ Telemundo #Billboards2019 Adquiera sus boletos en: https://goo. gl/ZnJvxV BLMA Facebook Post: Algunos de los nombres más grandes de la música Latina se han sumado al elenco electrizante de los @ LatinBillboards, este año, incluida la superestrella del pop latino @LuisFonsi, el popular cantante puertorriqueño de reggaeton @

Yandel, la estrella colombianadel reggaetón @JBalvinOficial, elinfluyente astro del reggaetón @NickyJamPR, la sensación de lafusión del flamenco moderno Español@rosalia.vt, el cantante jamaiquino de reggae y productordiscográfico @seanpaul, el popular cantante de Regional Mexicano y norteño, @javierrosasap,la cantautora puertorriqueña @KanyGarcia, el cantante y productor Español de pop y trap @ElGuincho, el cantante de RegionalMexicano @AdrielFavela, el cantautor puertorriqueño de pop @PedroCapo, el cantautor y productor Colombiano @Fonsecamusic ay el cantante dominicano debachata @Raulinrodriguez. No telos pierdas el jueves 25 de abril alas 8pm/7c por @Telemundo Adquiere tus boletos en: https://goo.gl/ZnJvxV

La premiación es la culminación de la Semana de Música Latina de Billboard, que tendrálugar del 22 al 25 de abril en elVenetian de Las Vegas, Nevada.Ahora en su vigésima novenaedición, la conferencia es el evento más grande y de mayor trayectoria en el mundo de la músicalatina. La conferencia de mayorautoridad en la música Latinaconvocará a los principales ejecutivos y artistas de la industria auna semana de conciertos, showcases, entrevistas, discursos ypaneles de la industria. Para másinformación visite BillboardLatinMusicWeek.com o envié uncorreo electrónico a conferences@billboard.com

New Metro HOV/Hot Ramp to Open near NASA Road 1


TXDOT’s opening of a new HOV/HOT Express Lane entrance ramp will create faster, more convenient and reliable service for Gulf Freeway commuters starting next week.

Beginning Monday, April 22, 2019, a new northbound ramp entrance will open to traffic just north of NASA Road 1 at Medical Center Boulevard.

The new ramp will be open Monday through Friday. Inbound traffic may enter between the hours of 5 a.m. and 11 a.m. Outbound traffic may exit this location from 1 p.m until 8 p.m.

Please visit our website for more information on toll rates and hours. Subscribe to METRO Service Alerts for real-time information sent directly to your phone.

Publicación 1143 – Revista Digital 25 de Abril – 1 de Mayo / 2019

Gracias por visitarnos, este artículo contiene la revista digital de ¡Que Onda Magazine! de fecha 25 de Abril hasta el 1 de Mayo del 2019.

Descargar versión digital – Que Onda!

Que Onda’s Picks: Can’t-Miss Events in Houston This Weekend (4/25)


(photo source: www.gibsooon.com)

Looking for something fun to do this beautiful weekend? With sunny skies and temperatures in the 80s, get outside with family and friends!

All Weekend

  • Cheer for the Houston Astros as they play against the Cleveland Indians at Minute Maid Park – Tickets start at $15
  • Sip fine wines, eat at an elegant dinner, and run a champagne 5k at the 10th annual Galveston Island Wine Festival at Saengerfest Park – Tickets start at $72, varying by package and event
  • Take advantage of discounted admission at the Houston Museum of Natural Science when you purchase a special voucher – Tickets are $25 for ages 12 and up; $16 for ages 3 to 11; $16 for ages $62 and up
  • Enjoy an evening of breathtaking entertainment accompanied by incredible music during a performance by Cirque de la Symphonie at Jones Hall. You’ll spot world-class acrobats, aerial flyers, contortionists, strongmen, jugglers, and tumblers throughout the show – Tickets start at $56
  • Cheer on young athletes are they run, swim, and bike their way across the finish line at the Houston Texans annual Kids Triathlon at NRG Stadium – Registration is $65 and the race starts at 7:15am both Saturday and Sunday

Thursday, April 25

  • Stroll through fascinating animal exhibits while sipping beers from more than 20 local breweries at the Houston Zoo’s second edition of Brew at the Zoo. Enjoy live music, tasty bites, and more in an effort to save local species – Tickets start at $45
  • Sugar Land Skeeters vs. Southern Maryland Blue Crabs at Constellation Field – Watch the Sugar Land Skeeters step up to the plate and take on the Southern Maryland Blue Crabs in a baseball game at Constellation Field – Tickets start at $8 for lawn seating. 7:05pm.
  • Snoop Dogg in Concert at Smart Financial Centre – Drop it likes it’s hot at a live show by Snoop Dogg as he celebrates “25 Years of Doggystyle” with support from Warren G, G Funk, and Tha Dogg Pound at Smart Financial Centre – Tickets start at $39.50

Friday, April 26

  • Chvrches in Concert at White Oak Music Hall – Jam out to the ethereal pop music of Chvrches with a live show by the Scottish band at White Oak Music Hall. Tickets are $34
  • Family Movie Night: Wonder Woman at Levy Park | FREE – Bring the family to a free screening of the action-packed blockbuster from 2017, Wonder Woman, at Levy Park. 7:30pm to 9:30pm.
  • Leon Bridges in Concert at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion – Expect to hear hits from his debut album, Coming Home, as well as his latest release, Good Thing. Jess Glynne opens the show. Tickets start at $29.50

Saturday, April 27

  • Autism Speaks 8K and 1K Kid’s Fun Run at Sugar Land Town Square – Lace up your sneakers and get ready to run (or walk) an 8K course through Sugar Land Town Square in support of Autism Speaks, which aims to raise awareness of the fastest-growing developmental disability in the country. Bring the kids to participate in the 1K Fun Run. Registration costs $30 for the 8K; $10 for the 1K Kids Fun Run. 7am to 11am.
  • Grand Opening Celebration at True Anomaly Brewing in EaDo | No Cover – Although Houston’s newest brewery opened its doors a few weeks ago, this official opening party coincides with the brewers’ first release. There will be music, a Secret Group Comedy Showcase, and more. Noon to 11pm.
  • Energy Corridor International Festival at Plazas at the Parkway | FREE – Head to Energy Corridor for a variety of live music, entertainment, and dance during the International Festival at Plazas at the Parkway. While you’re there, you can shop cultural foods, fare, and other goods, and enter to win giveaways and prizes. 2pm to 6pm.
  • Hillsong United in Concert at Toyota Center – Join the members of Hillsong United for an evening of worship and musical celebration at Toyota Center. Since its formation in 1998, the Christian band has cranked out 17 albums that have received praise from critics and audiences alike. Tickets start at $175
  • Houston Dynamo vs. Columbus Crew SC at BBVA Compass Stadium – Cheer on the Dynamo as they play Columbus in a home game at BBVA Compass Stadium. Tickets start at $24
  • Erykah Badu in Concert at Arena Theater – Catch a live show from the Queen of neo-soul, Erykah Badu, when the Grammy winner takes the stage at Arena Theater. Tickets start at $99

Sunday, April 28

  • 7th Annual West Houston Food Truck Festival – Some of the city’s most popular food trucks come together for the seventh annual West Houston Food Truck Festival, held at on the Temple Sinai campus. Participating eateries include The Waffle Bus, Coreano’s, The Burger Joint, Wokker Texas Ranger and more. While you eat, you can enjoy music by Mixdoctors Mobile DJs, bounce houses, and a variety of children’s activities. Tickets are $8 at the gate, not including food and beverage purchases. Noon to 4pm.
  • Texas Bridal & Wedding Expo at George R. Brown Convention Center – Dream up your perfect wedding at the Texas Bridal & Wedding Expo, which will showcase top bridal fashion, flowers, cakes, catering, DJs, venues, bands, honeymoon destinations and more, at George R. Brown Convention Center. $10. Noon to 5pm
  • Cajun & Crawfish with Contemporary Art Museum Fort Bend at Harvest Green | FREE – Stuff your face with juicy crawdads while you embrace the beauty of Louisianan art, music, and culture when Harvest Green hosts the Cajun & Crawfish event at the Contemporary Art Museum Fort Bend. Food and drink available for purchase. 2pm to 6pm.

La Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos Considerará la Pregunta de Ciudadanía del Censo


El Escrito del Abogado del Condado, Vince Ryan, es Parte del Expediente

Un escrito judicial radicado por el Abogado de Harris County, Vince Ryan, será parte del expediente considerado por la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos el martes, buscando impedir que la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos incluya una pregunta sobre ciudadanía en el Censo del 2020.

El Juez de Fort Bend County, K.P. George, y la Ciudad de Marfa, se unieron a Ryan en su escrito radicado a principios de este mes.  El escrito pide a la Corte Suprema afirmar la resolución del juez distrital de que la pregunta sobre ciudadanía no puede ser incluida. La resolución fue producto de una demanda judicial radicada en contra de la Oficina del Censo por el Estado de Nueva York.

“Nos unimos a las preocupaciones expresadas en todo el país de que una pregunta sobre ciudadanía reduciría el número de personas que participen en el Censo del 2020,” dijo el Abogado del Condado, Vince Ryan. “Esta pregunta intimidará a nuestra población inmigrante. Queremos que todos participen—sean ciudadanos o no.”

El escrito asevera que la adición de la pregunta de ciudadanía al Censo Decenal del 2020 causará un subconteo de la población nacida en el extranjero de cada jurisdicción, lo cual resultará en una representación desproporcionadamente baja a nivel local, estatal y federal, y también en datos corruptos que sean inadecuados para un gobierno efectivo. Un subconteo también perjudicará el monto de dólares federales para esas comunidades bajo programas basados en población.

El crecimiento de Harris County siempre ha sido impulsado por inmigrantes entrelazados con industrias nuevas que crean motores económicos diversos para Texas y el país, puntualiza Ryan en el escrito. El condado adyacente, Fort Bend County, ha explotado en crecimiento, diversidad y afluencia en las últimas décadas, habiendo elegido a su primer ejecutivo principal no anglo desde los 1800s, el inmigrante K.P. George.  Si bien la minúscula Ciudad de Marfa no ha experimentado tal crecimiento explosivo, comparte con Harris County y con Fort Bend County la condición de tener una población nacida en el extranjero muy alta, que está en riesgo por un subconteo neto en el Censo Decenal. 

Ryan dice que el clima de miedo intenso actual que cunde entre inmigrantes hace más probable que el subconteo diferencial neto sea más agudo en Texas si la pregunta de ciudadanía es agregada al censo. En el pasado, con la práctica de tener “primarias sólo para blancos” para privar a los votantes afro-americanos del voto, que duró décadas, la Corte Suprema fue la única fuente de protección de los derechos constitucionales de gente que desea actuar en la esfera cívica.

“Hoy otra vez se necesita la intervención de la Corte Suprema para asegurar la protección de la integridad de los datos para efectos de representación y gobierno efectivo,” dijo el Abogado del Condado, Vince Ryan. “El Juez George, la Ciudad de Marfa y nosotros concordamos con la resolución de la corte distrital de Nueva York, de que los indocumentados y los hispanos serán subcontados desproporcionadamente si se deja la pregunta de ciudadanía en el Censo.”

Ryan dijo que este tema es tan importante, que ha hecho que su escrito a la corte sea traducido a múltiples idiomas para que más residentes de Harris County puedan tener conocimiento del asunto y de lo que está haciendo su oficina para prevenir el uso de la pregunta de ciudadanía en el Censo del 2020.  Las traducciones se encuentran en el sitio web del Abogado del Condado en www.harriscountycao.org.

UHD Students’ Artwork, Graphic Novels on View at Saint Arnold Restaurant


Last semester, University of Houston-Downtown fine arts students were assigned the task of creating graphic novels that expressed a social message. They began the process of composing illustrated tales addressing immigration, the environment, racism, health care and other issues.

Audiences in Houston can sample these and other student works that are on view at Saint Arnold Restaurant (2000 Lyons Ave.) through May. Graphic novel pages and artwork were created under the guidance of Fine Arts lecturer Beth Secor in the class “Creating a Graphic Novel.”

Among the students in the class was Eliseo Villanueva, who started the graphic novel, “La Lucha,” as his class project.

“La Lucha” (translated from Spanish – “The Fight” or “The Struggle”) tells the story of Miguel Gutierrez, a son of immigrants and a Mixed Martial Arts fighter. Through flashbacks, the reader learns about his family’s struggle to come to the United States and his challenges as a child.

Villanueva began writing and illustrating the “La Lucha” in class last semester. He continues to fine tune it under the tutelage of another UHD Fine Arts lecturer El Franco Lee. At Saint Arnold, Houstonians can view the cover of “La Lucha” depicting the title character’s torso wearing a Rosary with fists clenched.

Another work on view is “Die with a Lie” by student Cruz Villafuerte Cardoso. The cover of this graphic novel (reflecting identity schisms within the story’s main character in a Zen garden design) and a one-page scene are on display at Saint Arnold. According to the artist, the cover took more than 16 hours to complete and he is enthusiastic about sharing it with Houstonians.

“As an artist, I want my work to fall into the hands of people, who are willing to support it,” Cardoso said. “Support of an artist’s work isn’t limited by royalties. By sharing artwork in social media, an artist can increase the likelihood of their images being seen.”

His classmate Chelsea Markcray contributed the image “Breathe” to the exhibition at Saint Arnold. Although she created a graphic novel last semester, her contribution to this collection of student works is a drawing inspired by rapper Freckles the Writer. After discovering a photo of the artist on Instagram, Markcray saw an opportunity to experiment with the technique of pointillism (applying small, distinct dots of color in a pattern to form an image).

“Since creating this image, I’ve been motivated to use pointillism in most of my works to set myself apart from other artists,” she said. “Creating this piece was tedious but eye opening because I found my niche by exploring this technique.”

And like Cardoso, Markcray is deeply appreciative of the opportunity to present her work publicly.

“Having my work shown publicly has always been gratifying to me,” she said. “Seeing people react to my piece brings me joy and astonishment because it’s so unpredictable in how they interpret my art.”

Such opportunities would not be possible without the mentorship of UHD’s fine arts faculty, Villanueva said. Their guidance has been invaluable to him and other students as they hone their talents and discover new ways of creating and communicating through art.

“Although I grew up reading comics like ‘Spider-Man’ and ‘Superman,’ creating graphic novels was new to me,” Villanueva said. “UHD helped me explore how to do that. I learned how comics are made, so I see them in a different light now. I understand how the images and words flow through a story, and how to frame a scene. I don’t know if I would have learned to do this at another art school, so I am blessed for this experience at UHD.”

In addition to Villanueva, Cardoso and Markcray, the following students have art on display at Saint Arnold Restaurant: Amanda Howard (graduated fall 2018), Matthew Simmons and William Boren.