Harris County Attorney Christian D. Menefee Responds to Texas Comptroller

Earlier today Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar issued a statement erroneously claiming that “Judge Hidalgo and county officials” have sought an opportunity to resolve his determination that Harris County defunded the Precinct 5 Constable’s Office.

Harris County Attorney Christian D. Menefee gave the following statement in response:

“Comptroller Hegar’s statement is false. The county’s position on his determination that the county defunded the Precinct 5 Constable’s Office has not changed. Comptroller Hegar misapplied the law, bungled the math, and is acting outside of his legal authority. We are continuing to evaluate legal options.

Though we cannot be sure, we think Comptroller Hegar’s statement is about a letter the county received from Governor Abbott’s office today. The governor is required by law to provide the county notice of a defunding complaint and an opportunity to correct before referring the complaint to the comptroller’s office. Last week, the county contacted both the comptroller’s office and the governor’s office to make clear that the governor had failed to provide the required notice about the Precinct 5 Constable’s complaint, and to inquire as to whether their offices had pending defunding complaints about other Harris County law enforcement agencies. After initially refusing to confirm that information in writing, today the governor’s office sent the county a letter stating it has no other pending defunding complaints against the county.

Had the governor and the comptroller provided the county the required notice about the Precinct 5 Constable’s Office, we would have taken the opportunity to correct their basic mathematical and legal errors.”