Fort Bend County, TX– Today, Fort Bend County Judge KP George, Fort Bend County Health & Human Services Director Dr. Jacquelyn Johnson-Minter, and Fort Bend Emergency Management Coordinator Mark Flathouse announced that the COVID-19 Risk Level has been upgraded to the highest level, Red.
The RED Level advises residents to “STAY HOME, STAY SAFE”, only travel for essential needs, and restrict activities and gatherings, enhances protections for high-risk individuals such as the elderly, and encourages other personal safety precautions.
“Folks, this is not a drill. Positive cases in our County and Region are increasing at alarming rates. Our hospital systems are preparing for additional capacity as the Texas Medical Center in Houston enact their surge plans. Regional demand on COVID-19 testing has grown exponentially due to uncontrolled community spread of this virus,” stated County Judge KP George. “If we cannot embrace the personal responsibility to control the spread, the Governor of Texas may enact shutdowns or other extreme measures to fight COVID-19.”
Area hospitals in our region, especially the Texas Medical Center affects Fort Bend County. The County hospital systems and public health networks all interact together – the Texas Medical Center takes in many COVID-19 patients from the region including Fort Bend County.
Under the County COVID-19 Risk Level Red, the public is urged to:
– Stay home, except for the most essential needs like going to the grocery store for food and obtaining medication
– Wear face coverings in public to protect others
– Avoid and cancel all gatherings of any size
– Essential workers should practice special precautions to prevent spread
– Highly recommending all vulnerable individuals (65+ or with pre-existing health conditions) stay home
– Self-quarantine for 14 days if in close and prolonged contact with someone who has tested positive with COVID-19
– Avoid non-essential business and personal travel
The full guidance and risk levels can be found at: