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Las empresas mexicanas podrían ser blancos de ciberataques


Un estudio realizado por la empresa GoDaddy señala que entre más pequeña sea la empresa menos inversión hace en su infraestructura de ciberseguridad.

La seguridad en línea es un tema que cada vez se prevé con mayor atención dentro de las organizaciones. De acuerdo con un informe de Small business security report realizado entre mayo de 2017 y mayo de 2018, 20% de las PyMEs de Estados Unidos son blancos susceptibles a ataques del cibercrimen ya que no invierte en infraestructura de ciberseguridad dentro de sus plataformas digitales.

El estudio destaca que 67% de las PyMEs dentro del territorio Estadounidense invierten entre 1 y 500 dólares al año en su seguridad web, dejándolas vulnerables a recibir ataques cibernéticos debido a su escasa ciberseguridad.

En México la situación es aún peor, pues sólo 6% de las pequeñas y medianas empresas del país tiene un plan de protección de datos o una infraestructura de ciberseguridad de buen nivel. Esto según lo emitido por el Foro Económico Mundial dentro del Global Risk Report 2018.

Otro dato a destacar en el estudio de GoDaddy es que tan sólo 11% de las empresas de este tipo revisan a diario que su sistema de seguridad en búsqueda de anomalías y un 41% declaró que nunca lo habían hecho, debido a la confianza que poseían en sus sistemas de seguridad.

Aproximadamente el 58% de empresas mexicanas a sufrido ciberataques

Los ciberataques dirigidos a este tipo de empresas son comunes. El reporte de GoDaddy indica que del total de 1,000 organizaciones consultadas un 58% tuvo ataques tipo malware en algunas de sus plataformas digitales.

1 de cada 5 empresas enfrentaron en 2017 un ataque de ransomware, donde algún dato era secuestrado y se pedía algún tipo de recompensa. Las cifras de empresas que sufren este tipo de ataques siguen en aumento.

En total, los ataques por malware y ransomware sumaron pérdidas bastante considerables para este sector empresarial, 1 de cada 8 empresas expresó haber tenido pérdida financiera por algún tipo de hackeo, muchas de las empresas indicaron que no sólo sufrieron financieramente, sino que su reputación fue afectada.

Además de las pérdidas económicas y las vulnerabilidades presentadas para este tipo de empresas, otra de las consecuencias que destaca el reporte de GoDaddy es la pérdida de visibilidad de las páginas web de las empresas en los buscadores, reduciendo así su número de visitas y reduciendo en el caso de los comercios electrónicos sus ventas.

Regulación para empresas del sector transporte


Regular las comisiones de las empresas intermediarias en el cobro del pasaje de las tarifas urbanas es la propuesta del Partido Acción Nacional en el Congreso del Estado para la próxima reforma a la Ley Estatal del Transporte, asi lo declaró Carlos de la Fuente, coordinador del bloque partidista.

“Hay que recordar que este Congreso tiene dentro de su agenda mínima para este periodo legislativo la Ley de Transporte y Movilidad, ahí es donde vamos a determinar y regular todos los mecanismos de pago electrónicos y que el negocio no sea para el mecanismo del pago electrónico, sino en realidad para los transportistas con el menor costo posible, para no afectar al ciudadano; al menos hoy no lo conocemos y es algo que deberíamos de conocer, y ya conociéndola la debiéramos estar regularizando”, asi lo declaró el Legislador.

Saber cuánto se les paga de comisión a la empresa Enlaces Inteligentes y a la empresa de tiendas de conveniencia encargada de vender el saldo electrónico de la tarjeta Feria, es el primer paso la búsqueda de la regulación a sus respectivas comisiones.

También expresó, “Nosotros seguiremos insistiendo en que deberemos de seguir teniendo una tarifa única mensual, no por viaje, y no por el tipo de sistema, porque necesitamos que la gente tenga un presupuesto más controlado sobre su gasto y que pueda hacer cualquier tipo de cambio de un sistema a otro sin estar recurriendo en costos repetitivos; si un usuario de un origen a un destino tiene que utilizar diferentes sistemas de transporte colectivo o diferentes rutas es un problema de diseño del estado y es por eso que debe estar en una tarjeta única”.

Chivas, el más grande de Mexico, aca las razones


La rivalidad entre Guadalajara y América por ser el más grande de México siempre ha sido un debate apasionado. Cada uno tiene argumentos sólidos para autotitularse como “el mejor”. Veamos  cinco puntos a favor del Rebaño Sagrado. EL EQUIPO DE PUROS MEXICANOS Una de las tradiciones más arraigadas del fútbol Mexicano es la costumbre del […]

10 facts about San Antonio that will surprise you

1. San Antonio is big. Like, really big.

In fact, it’s the second-biggest city in Texas. By area, it’s twice the size of Chicago. With a population of over 1.4 million, it’s the seventh-largest city-proper in the country and is gaining on all six above it. This isn’t some second-tier cowboy outpost — it’s a major metropolitan hub.

2. We’re home to the first modern art museum in the Southwest.

The McNay Art Museum brought modern art to Texas in 1954, when Marion Koogler McNay, an art teacher and heiress to an oil fortune, donated her San Antonio mansion to the art cause. These days, it’s home to works from some of the best artists of all time, like Picasso and Georgia O’Keeffe. Then there’s the awesome local art — which you probably won’t find at MoMA — like the contemporary Latino prints and Southwest art collections. All in all, there are now some 20,000 works at the McNay.

3. We really know how to keep it cool.

San Antonians know a thing or two about heat…which prompted us to learn about cold. In 1928, the 21-story Milam Building in downtown San Antonio became the first air-conditioned high-rise in the US. The AC system kept temperatures to 80 degrees, a welcome relief for all those workers doing…whatever people did in offices decades before the first desktop computers. But we didn’t stop with office buildings — San Antonio is home to country’s first air-conditioned bank, hotel, and Catholic Church. And did we mention the creator of Gatorade was from San Antonio?

4. San Antonio holds a world record for tamale making.

If you’ve been to South Texas, you’re probably familiar with our thing for tamales. Yes, they’re a staple Mexican food, and yes, we’re totally obsessed with them. So obsessed, in fact, that a local high school made 17,106 tamales — that’s 2,420 pounds — in 10 hours during a tamalada. This put the Alamo City in the pages of the Guinness World Records,… though the officials did have to create a new category: “Most Tamales Made in a 12-hour Period.”

5. You can thank us for Shaq.

Shaquille O’Neal, star of Kazaam (oh right, and also 15-time NBA All-Star), went to Robert G. Cole High School in San Antonio. There, the skinny, nearly 7-foottall teenager led his team to a 36-0 state championship record in 1989 (they had a 68-1 record over two years). He also still holds the state record for number of rebounds in a season, with 791. In 2014, Shaq came back to the Texas state basketball tournament for a reunion with his former high school teammates, still towering over them like he did 25 years ago.

6. We’re home to one of the top-ranked theaters in the world.

The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts and its state-of-the art sound system and design attract the big names — think Paul McCartney and Meghan Trainor. With its main 1,738-seat performance hall, an intimate studio theater, and an awesome outdoor performance plaza, the Tobin has been ranked as one of the top 100 theaters in the world of its size.

7. The San Antonio Missions are the only UNESCO World Heritage Site in Texas.

San Antonio Missions National Historical Park is home to four of the city’s five Spanish missions — outposts that date back to the 17th century. Along with the iconic Alamo, they were selected for UNESCO designation in 2015 after a successful campaign by city and state officials. The Missions were chosen for their “interweaving of Spanish and Coahuiltecan cultures.” Today, they’re pretty much at the top of any San Antonio visitor’s to-do list — the Alamo alone attracts over 2.5 millions visitors every year.

8. We’re home to the first historic district in Texas.

Originally built up by German immigrants in the 1860s, the King William Historic District is 25 blocks of style clearly influenced by its European founders. It’s seen its ups and downs, but after being designated the first historic district in the state, it’s been rebuilt and reborn. Now you can spend an evening here exploring local art, gawking at opulent mansions, and sipping a cold one at Blue Star Brewing on South Alamo.

9. The Alamo City has the nation’s first all-digital library.

Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the Bexar County BiblioTech was the first library in the US to offer an exclusively digital collection — and is still the only one to do so. The golden age of the paperback has ended, so why not borrow e-readers from the library and attend book club meetings streamed online? Bonus: Its “computer lab” comes with iPads and Xboxes. Way to up the bar, San Antonio.

10. The Witte Museum raised money for its first collection by selling flowers.

In 1923, local high school teacher Ellen Schultz wanted to start a museum in San Antonio, but was short on cash. Schultz and her students sold flowers (bluebonnets, to be specific), baked cakes, and put on small plays to raise enough money to get started. Today, the Witte Museum is super legit as well as super popular, with exhibits ranging from Texas art, to dinosaur bones, to one of the world’s largest collections of circus artifacts and memorabilia. It’s also currently undergoing a $100 million redevelopment — not bad for a bake sale project.

Come and check it out.

¡Sé tu propio jefe!


¿Te interesaría ser tu propio jefe? Seguramente tu respuesta es: ¡Por supuesto! A todos nos gusta la idea de ser independiente y poder trabajar para uno mismo. Y en el caso de las féminas, es sorprendente lo emprendedoras que somos. El porcentaje de mujeres hispanas que son dueñas de su negocio en los Estados Unidos está al nivel más alto de la historia.

Sin embargo, aunque todas las mujeres son capaces de forjar su propia empresa, son pocas las que se atreven a hacerlo. La principal razón que detiene a muchas a lanzarse como empresarias es pensar que no están listas para hacerlo. Algunas dicen: “no tengo experiencia” , “me faltan estudios”, o “no tengo capital”.

Si eres una de ellas, te exhorto a que encuentres a alguien que haya logrado emprender un exitoso negocio y pregúntale: “¿Qué experiencia o capital tenía usted antes de ser su propio jefe?”. Te garantizo que la gran mayoría responderá: “no tenía ninguna experiencia, ni dinero”.

Si esperas a sentirte como una especialista en negocios antes de comenzar, jamás lo vas a realizar. Realmente estás más preparada de lo que imaginas. Las estadísticas muestran que las empresas administradas por mujeres tienden a permanecer vigentes más tiempo que las dirigidas por hombres. Esto se atribuye a que nosotras nos preocupamos más por forjar mejores relaciones con nuestros clientes y empleados. Además, a la hora de tomar una decisión importante nos dedicamos a recopilar más información y por esta razón tendemos a equivocarnos menos que ellos.

No permitas que tu espíritu emprendedor se muera porque crees que te falta saber más. La clave para ser exitoso es asegurar que el negocio que emprendas te apasiona. Tu principal motivo para empezarlo no debe ser ganar dinero sino la satisfacción de hacer algo que te fascina.

María Marín motivadora internacional.

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La Academia Latina de la Grabación® elige nuevos miembros para el consejo directivo


El presidente Eduardo Hütt, la vicepresidenta Eva Cebrián, el secretario Aloysio Reis y el tesorero Javier Aguirre son los nuevos directores elegidos

La Academia Latina de la Grabación® anunció hoy a los nuevos miembros de su consejo directivo. Eduardo Hütt, presidente de Bain & Company para México y Latinoamérica, fue elegido presidente del consejo directivo; Eva Cebrián, profesional de comunicaciones en España, fue elegida vicepresidenta; Aloysio Reis, compositor y director general de Sony/ATV Music Publishing en Brasil, fue elegido secretario, y Javier Aguirre, asesor personal del CEO de Cisneros Corporation, fue elegido tesorero luego de la resolución unánime del consejo directivo. Laura Tesoriero, la más reciente presidenta del consejo directivo fue elegida presidenta emérita en reemplazo del maestro Luis Cobos.

“A medida que La Academia Latina de la Grabación se prepara para el inicio de su tercera década, un nuevo consejo directivo tiene el atractivo desafío de continuar nuestra misión de promover la música latina a nivel internacional, así como también preservar los géneros icónicos en una comunidad musical en constante evolución, brindando también el apoyo financiero y logístico a la Fundación Cultural Latin GRAMMY®”, dijo Gabriel Abaroa Jr., presidente/CEO, de La Academia Latina de la Grabación. “Espero trabajar muy de cerca con este diverso grupo, constituido por talentosos y exitosos profesionales, mientras continuamos promoviendo el desarrollo y la expansión de La Academia Latina de la Grabación y la marca Latin GRAMMY®.”

Los miembros del consejo directivo de La Academia Latina de la Grabación, junto con los altos funcionarios de La Academia Latina —responsables fiduciarios de esta organización sin fines de lucro— se reúnen dos veces al año para discutir sobre los objetivos, establecer prioridades e implementar políticas diseñadas que tienen como objetivo trazar estratégicamente el curso y metas a corto, mediano y largo plazo de La Academia Latina de la Grabación.

Acerca de los nuevos miembros elegidos del consejo directivo:

Eduardo Hütt, presidente de Bain & Company para México y Latinoamérica, tiene más de 25 años de experiencia en consultoría enfocada en el mercado de medios y entretenimiento en la región. Antes de unirse al equipo de Bain, Hütt fue socio en McKinsey & Company, también se desempeñó como presidente y director general de EMI Music Argentina, con una amplia experiencia en el mercado de la música en México y Latinoamérica.

Eva Cebrián ha tenido una larga carrera como ejecutiva en diversos sectores, principalmente en comunicaciones y música (incluidos proyectos musicales, audiovisuales y digitales). Su experiencia en la música ha hecho que ocupe una posición de liderazgo en el principal grupo de estaciones de radio en España, PRISA Radio, que incluye Cadena Dial, Máxima FM, M80 Radio y Radiolé, además del principal portal de música Los40.com. Cebrián se encuentra actualmente formando una nueva empresa.

Aloysio Reis es un compositor prolífico y experimentado ejecutivo de la grabación. Ha sido director general de Sony/ATV Music Publishing en Brasil desde 2005 y miembro del consejo directivo del Sindicato Brasileño de Compositores, la mayor asociación de compositores en Brasil. Antes de Sony/ ATV Music Publishing, trabajó en CBS/Sony Music y EMI Music en Brasil, México e Inglaterra. Como compositor, las canciones de Reis han sido grabadas por artistas de primer nivel, como Roberto Carlos, Julio Iglesias, Ney Matogrosso, Flávio Venturini, Xuxa, Gloria Estefan, José Luis Perales, Juan Luis Guerra y muchos más.

Javier Aguirre es actualmente el asesor personal del CEO de Cisneros Corporation, proporcionando asesoramiento estratégico en asuntos financieros y corporativos. Aguirre se desempeñó, por un período de 15 años, como vicepresidente ejecutivo y CFO de Cisneros Corporation, donde sus principales responsabilidades incluían la supervisión y administración de las funciones de finanzas corporativas y de la oficina familiar, así como la administración de la cartera de inversiones. Fue miembro activo del comité de inversiones y se desempeñó como miembro de la junta y asesor de numerosas inversiones del portafolio de clientes de Cisneros, muchas de las cuales estaban ligadas con el entretenimiento como fue el caso con Univision, Venevision Productions, Venemusic, DirecTV, AOL Latinoamérica y muchas otras.

Además de los directivos antes mencionados, el consejo directivo completo de La Academia Latina de la Grabación incluye a: Christine Albert, Carlos Álvarez, Luis A. Álvarez, Luis Balaguer, Eduardo Bergallo, Paty Cantú, Carla Estrada, Alexandra Lioutikoff, John Poppo, Neil Portnow, Rafa Sardina, Manuel Tejada y Eduardo Weise. Consejero legal: Jorge Hernández Toraño.

Interview with Chris Daniel: Harris County District Clerk


Que Onda had the pleasure of interviewing Chris Daniel, our current Harris County District Clerk. Through our interview with him we asked him the following questions:

Why are you running for re-election this year?

A question that he answered by explaining how important it was not to interrupt the progress and evolution of the Harris County District Clerk’s office. “It will be irresponsible to change leadership in this office especially when we are at a critical stage of evolution; by making the office electronic, and all aspects of it accessible to the public so they don’t have to come all the way downtown to the courthouse” as Mr. Daniel personally expressed.

What does the Harris County District Clerk’s Office do on a daily basis?

Our office is responsible for handling all aspects of the justice system in some way. From handling the dockets for judges, filings for attorneys, bails, attend paperwork for the county jail, and most courts, including civil, juvenile and family court. We are now at the District Clerk’s Office also handling passports for the county, as one more service the community can take care of while doing some other paperwork or procedure here at our office.- Chris Daniel full response

Does your office have 500 employees?

We are employing more than 500 people and temps handling a budget of 36 million dollars. The District Clerk’s office provides all those services with said budget to offer a better service.

Do you have bilingual staff?

Within the staff employed at the Harris County District Clerk’s Office, we count with bilingual staff through the jury area to appropriately communicate and serve for jury duty. The bilingual public servants also serve on the district’s system, the clerk’s system and even the leadership. For the very first time in the Harris County District Clerk’s office, there is a Hispanic American serving in a Director status in the organization.

If you are re-elected what is one of the major projects you would like to accomplish?

One of the projects will be to improve the Jury Notification System. In case of a disaster, the jury could get alerted in case the court gets cancelled. Another project important to him is to finish the Electronic System for Criminals. This includes electronic warrants, citations, and charging instruments to make it better and more accessible for the D.A.’s office, but also for the defense part so they can properly defend their clients. Those two projects are on top of his list but most of all his project of turning all aspects of the Harris County District Clerk’s Office electronic is important, as he put it “We push technology to save taxpayer’s money.”-Chris Daniel

Mr. Daniel emphasizes to the public the importance of his re-election due to the fact that a change in leadership may change the view in the importance of making the Clerk’s Office accessible to all. His message towards the Hispanic Community is clear. By being part of the Naturalization Ceremonies that take place in Houston he knows the importance of the Hispanic presence in the community. “It is an Honor, a Privilege, and a Right for all to go out and vote.” He continued by giving out a message to our readers “look at the global picture of what’s best for Harris County.”

About Chris Daniel

Harris County District Clerk Chris Daniel, an engineer and attorney, has brought his energy, skills and training to the Harris County District Clerk’s Office. First elected to this office in 2010, he heads an office staffed by about 550 people and oversees a $36 million budget that has remained lean even as the county is putting the recession behind it. His office staffs 80 statutory courts and ten (10) specialty courts with clerks, maintains records for these courts and runs jury service.

Chris knows that bridge-building and diplomacy skills are a great advantage as he works with scores of judges and county officials to improve court operations. Previously, Chris Daniel was elected to the Board for Lone Star College System.

In 2013, with Chris Daniel’s leadership, the office implemented a convenient passport application operation to assist the people of Harris County in applying for and renewing their passports. With such innovative thinking, Chris was re-elected to the Office in 2014.

In 2016, he opened four (4) satellite passport application operations to meet suburbanites’ needs. He partnered with the Harris County Library System to make the passport application services available in County libraries in Clear Lake, Humble, Spring/Tomball and Katy. There is now a passport application operation office in Pasadena.

Chris collaborated with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, the District Attorney’s Office and judges to create eSubpoena, an efficient, electronic system that greatly reduces the time it takes to notify witnesses of their service. The digitized system helped make the courts safer at the Harris County Criminal Justice Center. One person can now process the subpoenas, allowing three dozen deputies to remain in the courtrooms and help maintain courtroom security.

Chris has spearheaded efforts to warn the public about jury scams. He oversaw a multi-pronged public awareness campaign, featuring public service announcements on television and radio, radio PSAs in Spanish, posters on more than 900 Metro buses and news interviews with newspaper, TV and radio reporters.

Chris was born in Houston and grew up in Jersey Village and north of Acres Homes in Willow-wood. His mother, Jolie, grew up on Curacao, an island off Venezuela that was part of the Netherlands Antilles. From his family, especially his mother, he learned to speak Dutch among other languages. His father was born in North Little Rock, Arkansas and came from a long line of farmers and ranchers.

After earning a mechanical engineering degree at the University of Texas at Austin, he first worked as a project manager at National Oilwell Varco. Furthering his engineering career, he moved on to KBR, where he was employed as a design engineer. While employed full-time, and while serving on the Board of Lone Star College (elected in 2006), he also enrolled in classes and graduated from South Texas College of Law, passing the bar in 2011.

In 2012, Chris married Jennifer Barber, a CPA and Baylor graduate who grew up in Barber’s Hill, Texas. They have two amazing children, John and Amanda. The Daniel family resides in Humble and they are active members of Second Baptist Church. Chris also attends Bible classes at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Chris and Jennifer, have many varied interests, including traveling and scuba diving.

An active Boy Scout, he went on to become an Eagle Scout. His pride in this achievement remains – his award decorated Scout’s shirt hangs in his office today and he serves on the Board for the Sam Houston Area Council. Chris Daniel is an ex-officio Director and a lifetime member of the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. He is a member of the World Champion Barbecue Cookoff Committee and the Lamb and Goat Auction Committee.

Texans O-Line could be in for more changes


The Texans offensive line has already had a number changes through three games and more could be coming. With the latest injury to Senio Kelemete, Greg Mancz could start in Houston’s Week 4 matchup at Indianapolis.

“Not sure about Kelemete right now, probably will know better about Kelemete in the middle of the week for you,” head coach Bill O’Brien said Monday. “Mancz is a fighter. He’s a smart player, tough guy, and he did okay.”

Mancz started at left guard for Kelemete, who suffered a knee injury in warmups prior to the Texans Week 3 game against the New York Giants.

It was the third consecutive week with a different starting offensive line. Both starting tackles have changed since the start of the regular season. Right tackle Seantrel Henderson underwent season-ending ankle surgery after his Week 1 injury. Starting left tackle Julién Davenport moved to right tackle for Week 2, while rookie Martinas Rankin took over the blind side for Week 2.

With five players working to build chemistry, the Texans offensive line has had its share of penalties and early challenges. Second-year tackle Davenport, who spent most of training camp working at left tackle, has also struggled after his switch to the right side.

“Yeah he’s (Davenport’s) struggling and we just to got to work with it and keep getting better,” O’Briens said. “We’re definitely looking at that position. He’s a good guy. He’s going to work hard to get better but he needs to improve no doubt.”

Every week, the team brings in players for tryouts on Mondays and Tuesdays. The offensive line could be among the position groups that the Texans look to add depth and improve in the weeks to come.

Recap: Houston Dyanmo 0, Orlando City SC 0


The Houston Dynamo earned their second consecutive positive result with a 0-0 draw at Orlando City SC Saturday night. Dynamo goalkeeper Joe Willis earned his fourth clean sheet of the season, posting four saves on the night to deliver the result for his side.

The Dynamo created a pair of golden scoring chances in the first half but were not rewarded on either. The first came in the 17th minute when defender Alejandro Fuenmayor sent a long ball upfield, putting forward Romell Quioto in alone against Orlando goalkeeper Adam Grinwis. Grinwis was first to the ball at the edge of the box, but his touch to collect the all was too heavy, creating an opportunity for Quioto. The ‘keeper dove for the ball but Quioto managed to get a toe on it, poking it away from Grinwis and dribbling it into an empty net for an apparent goal. The play went to Video Review and called back by referee Baldomero Toledo, who whistled a foul on Quioto for kicking the ball out of the goalkeeper’s possession upon review.

The second half began with a quick foul by Dynamo midfielder Darwin Cerén, leading to a free kick just outside the box. Orlando forward Yoshimar Yotún took the shot, but it caught the foot of Kljestan and trickled wide of the target. The Dynamo saw their first chance of the second half in the 58th minute, when midfielder Boniek García sent a long diagonal ball to Quioto to put him behind the defense. Quioto ran onto the ball and fired a low shot from just outside the box that was saved by an onrushing Grinwis.

Dynamo midfielder Tomás Martínez gathered the rebound and sent another shot on target, but his effort was blocked by a diving effort from an Orlando defender. Houston created a pair of late scoring chances as the game neared its conclusion.

In the 89th minute when midfielder Arturo Alvarez, a second-half substitute, dribbled through two Orlando defenders into the penalty area, but the defense was able to recover just in time to deny Alvarez a shooting chance. Then in the first minute of stoppage time, Alvarez slipped forward Ronald Peña in behind the Orlando back line, but the Venezuelan’s low shot was saved by Grinwis.