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Frozen 2: In Theaters November 22nd


In “Frozen 2,” in theaters November 22, Anna and Elsa journey far beyond the gates of Arendelle. But why? Check out the new trailer tomorrow on “Good Morning America” for clues. Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Frozen 2” reunites the filmmakers and songwriters behind 2013’s “Frozen” for an all-new adventure. Please feel free to download the new poster and share it with your readers. Tune into Good Morning America tomorrow morning to catch an all-new trailer for the movie.

Lunch and Learn


Today, June 11, 2019, president of Que Onda Gabriel Esparza visited the launch of Comcast Business Community Essentials, a new communications solution to help nonprofit organization gain access to high-speed internet service and cloud-based phone services at discounted rates.

Making Texas Schools Safer For Students And Teachers

The Office of Governor Greg Abbott today released a web video highlighting the signing of legislation to enhance school safety and expand access to mental health resources to make Texas schools safer and more secure for students and teachers. 

“Last spring, ten people were killed in a tragic shooting at Santa Fe High School, and I vowed that the state of Texas would do everything in its power to prevent a tragedy like this from occurring again,” said Governor Abbott.

“As the result of roundtables that were held in the aftermath, I made school safety an emergency item for the 86th Legislative Session, and because of the hard work of members in both chambers, as well as the many stakeholders, we accomplished this important task, and I am proud to sign legislation that makes schools safer for our students and teachers.”

Nine Houston Fire Stations Receive Technology to Remove Harmful Fumes

HOUSTON- Houston Fire Chief Sam Peña’s efforts to improve the health and safety of firefighters is in high gear with the installation of nine additional diesel exhaust removal systems in Houston fire stations. Due to the extremely busy emergency response system in Houston firefighters are exposed to vehicle fumes on a routine basis. When these vehicles are started, the exhaust infiltrates the living and sleeping areas of the fire stations that are staffed around the clock. Before Chief Pena implemented a department-wide health and safety initiative only one fire station out of 94 was equipped with exhaust removal systems . That number is now up to ten and includes stations 7,8, 9,16,21,25,51,28,60, and 31. Six more installations have been scheduled for stations 39,46,56,58,68, and 73. These are the busiest fire stations in the city and are responsible for deployment to a quarter of HFD’s emergencies. Approximately 600 of HFD’s firefighters are assigned to these stations.  These systems will provide a healthier and safer work environment for Houston’s busiest first responders. 

In 2017, the HFD applied to FEMA for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) to begin modernizing and installing vehicle exhaust capture and removal systems. In July of 2018, the HFD was awarded the grant in the amount of $703,914, with a grant match obligation of $70,391.  Mayor Sylvester Turner and the Houston City Council approved the matching funds. 
There are still 78 fire stations that remain in need of vehicle exhaust systems. With an average cost of $80,000 per station, the retrofitting of the remaining fire stations will cost approximately $6,240,000.
“We are making great progress with the installation of a vehicle exhaust systems in our fire stations. But we still have work to do. Installing this equipment in each of our 94 fire stations is essential to creating a healthy and safe working environment for our employees. I appreciate the Mayor and the Houston City Council’s commitment and continued support of this initiative,” Sam Peña, Fire Chief.
The HFD will continue to pursue grant opportunities in forwarding its health and safety initiative with the plan to modernize 15 additional fire stations in calendar year 2019-2020.

Mayoral Candidate Calls for Turning Houston into Cannabis Sanctuary City


In 2016, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg implemented a diversion program to keep Houstonians found in possession of Cannabis out of jail. After two years of this initiative, the DA’s Office estimates that $35 million has been saved and cannabis related convictions are down 80 percent. This program is an important first step towards ending the War on Cannabis in Houston. But Houston can do better…

As Mayor I would instruct the Chief of Police to stop spending taxpayer money arresting non-violent Cannabis users, effectively end the War on Cannabis in the City of Houston, saving millions of dollars and keeping Houstonians out of the Texas Criminal Justice System. 

Imagine a Houston where we not only cease arresting non-violent cannabis users, but we actively encourage Cannabis businesses to move to Houston. Cannabis is both a medicine and a recreational activity. Houston should welcome medicinal practices and cannabis entrepreneurs. The economic incentives could easily transform the City of Houston. 

As a former addict I know full well the medicinal power of Cannabis, as well as the havoc created by dangerous drugs. I believe it is important to seek solutions for those who are dealing with drug addiction. As Mayor I would encourage Houstonians to support diverting some of the funds saved from decriminalization towards programs for addiction treatment and recovery. 

It’s time for the City of Houston to respect the individual rights of every Houstonian and stop locking people up for possessing or using a plant. It’s time to end the war on drugs in Houston. It’s time to turn Houston into a Sanctuary City for Cannabis
My name is Derrick Broze and I am running for Mayor of Houston. get involved at DerrickBroze.com.

Travel: Seville, Spain


Welcome to Seville! Nowhere else in the world knows how to celebrate life quite like this passionate city. Romantic and lively, Seville’s combination of sumptuous food, breathtaking architecture and flamenco rhythm hits all the right notes. A visit to Seville is filled with the simple pleasures of life that will put a smile on even the weariest face.

When to Go

Sunny Seville is beautiful year-round, with high temperatures in the summer and mild temperatures in the winter. Travel in spring, as soon as the temperature begins to climb, for the best weather. You’ll also have the added bonus of enjoying two of the most popular fiestas in the city — the Semana Santa and the Feria de Abril.

Will the Real Alcázar Please Stand Up?

Seville is most recognizable for its collection of diverse architecture, which includes Moorish palaces, Gothic churches and ornate designs. The star of the show is the Plaza de España, an impressive brick structure featuring long, curving corridors, dizzying tile patterns and bubbling fountains. Next on the list is the Real Alcázar Palace, a royal residence that dates back to the seventh century and still occasionally hosts the Spanish royal family. Christian and Mudéjar influences decorate this stunning structure that includes open courtyards and large, ornate halls. Finally, spend a day marveling at the Catedral de Sevilla and La Giralda, the largest Gothic building in Europe with more than 40 chapels on site.

Find Your Muse

Seville’s museum scene is a diverse treasure trove, with a spot for every taste and interest. For traditional art, visit the Museo de Bellas Artes, while contemporary fans should stop by the Andalusian Contemporary Art Centre. Dancers will appreciate the Flamenco Dance Museum and history buffs will satisfy their curiosity at the Museo de Castillo de San Jorge, a historical exhibit housed in the former headquarters of the Spanish Inquisition. Finally, if you prefer to stay outside and enjoy the sunshine wander the Metropol Parasol, the world’s largest wooden structure, which offers five levels to explore and stunning views of the city from the top.

Feeling Shady

Seville’s many winding corridors find shade beneath palm trees and orange trees that give off an intoxicating scent. But if you need some more greenery, head to Maria Luisa Park. Here you’ll find long, shaded pathways, grassy meadows near ponds and the famed Plaza de América, flanked by museums and stunning gardens. If you need to get farther out of the city, head to the gorgeous Andalusian countryside, touring the quaint villages that dot the region, or to the coast, to seaside spots like Nerja that offer a quieter escape.

What to Eat

Tasty Tapas

If you’re a fan of flavor, you’ll love what Seville has to offer. A blend of spices come together in hearty dishes to fuel your Spanish fire. First off, let’s talk about tapas. Seville makes a strong case for having invented this small plates trend, and you’ll find yourself squeezing into many tapas bars, indulging in traditional dishes like salmorejo (cold tomato soup) and Jamón Ibérico de Bellota (Iberian ham). Stop at Casa Morales and El Rinconcillo (the oldest bar in the city) to compare plates. If you need a heartier meal, make your way to El 3 de Oro for some of the best paella in the city. Follow your meal with a good vermouth or sweet orange wine to cap off the night.

¿Qué hace a un hombre sexy?


Tengo un grupo de mujeres que se llama: “Se Real” que se dedica a ayudar a las mujeres a superarse en la vida personal y profesional. Al finalizar la última reunión mensual, algunas nos quedamos “comadreando”, como es de costumbre. Beatriz una de las chicas más activa en el grupo nos dijo con una pícara sonrisa: “muchachas, ayer salí con el hombre más sexy que he conocido”. Entonces, sacó de la bolsa una foto que se tomaron juntos la noche anterior. Curiosas nos amontonamos a su alrededor para ver al mencionado. Mercy, la más bromista, le arrebató la foto y dijo burlonamente: “¡yo esperaba ver a Bratt Pitt!”.

Este comentario nos causó risa, y aproveché para hacer una encuesta informal. Les pregunté, ¿qué hace a un hombre sexy? Las respuestas fueron tan variadas como las edades y personalidades que componen este grupo.

Mercy quien acaba de cumplir 25 años dijo: “hombros anchos” y “nalgas tonificadas”. Aquellas en sus treinta incluyeron algunos aspectos físicos -como la estatura y el vello corporal-, pero también cualidades como cariñoso y espléndido. Las mayores de 35 se concentraron en cualidades que lo hacen un buen compañero, como fiel y trabajador.

Los gustos cambian según la edad. De jovencitas le damos prioridad a lo que nos llena los ojos, pero con la edad y la experiencia queremos más. Una cabellera lacia y espesa no te consiente cuando estás enferma. Un cuerpo de Adonis no reta tu intelecto y una sonrisa de mil kilovatios no te apoya en un momento de dolor.

Administración Trump Firma Acuerdo con Guatemala Contra la Inmigración de Indocumentados

Administración Trump firma acuerdo con Guatemala contra la inmigración de indocumentados Guatemala ha enfrentando el aumento de las caravanas de inmigrantes.

Los gobiernos del presidente estadounidense Donald Trump y del guatemalteco Jimmy Morales firmaron un Memorando de Cooperación (MOC, en inglés) para enfrentar el tráfico de personas y buscar detener la inmigración de indocumentados hacia los Estados Unidos.

Fue el secretario interino del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS), Kevin McAleenan, quien formalizó el acuerdo con el Ministerio de Gobierno del paíse centroamericano, reportaron autoridades.

La firma del MOC marca el inicio del viaje de cuatro días del secretario McAleenan para participar en reuniones bilaterales y multilaterales con funcionarios que representan a los gobiernos de los países del Triángulo del Norte, incluidos El Salvador y Honduras.

“A través de nuestra continua colaboración y asociación, los Estados Unidos y Guatemala están formalizando una serie de iniciativas para mejorar las vidas y la seguridad de nuestros respectivos ciudadanos mediante la lucha contra la trata de personas y el contrabando de bienes ilegales”, indicó McAleenan en un comunicado, donde destacó la crisis que vive Estados Unidos en la frontera con México y lo peligroso que es viajar como indocumentado.

Los aspectos clave del acuerdo permitirán a ambas administraciones impulsar medidas para combatir la trata de personas y el contrabando, interceptar el tráfico ilícito de drogas y atacar el comercio ilegal y el flujo de dinero del crimen organizado.

“Otras áreas de cooperación incluyen aumentar la seguridad de la frontera guatemalteca para detener el flujo de la migración irregular y garantizar una preparación adecuada para mejorar la capacidad de ambos países para identificar y comprender mejor sus causas fundamentales”, afirmó el DHS.

Los inmigrantes de Guatemala lideran las detenciones de la Patrulla Fronteriza en la frontera con México y registran el mayor incremento sostenido de menores no acompañados, ya que en el año fiscal 2013 se reportó la captura de 8,068 contra 22,327 en el año fiscal 2018.

Respecto a unidades familiares, también ha habido un aumento al pasar de 23,067 en el año fiscal 2016 a 50,401 en el 2018.

La visita de McAleenan a Guatemala se da a pocos días de la presentación del Plan de Desarrollo Integral del Gobierno mexicano que busca reducir la inmigración de indocumentados de países del Triángulo Norte.

Maluma Recibe 8 Nominaciones a los Premios Juventud


Maluma, el ídolo global de la música latina ha sido nominado a ocho Premios Juventud, convirtiéndose en el artista con el mayor número de nominaciones este año, según se anunció esta mañana en un Facebook Live de Premios Juventud.

Sus nominaciones son: ‘La Más Pegajosa’; ‘Multitasker – cantante, compositor, escritor’; ‘De etiqueta high fashion’; ‘Apasionado por los zapatos’; ‘Obsesionado con el cabello’; ‘Coreografías que me matan’ (2 nominaciones); y ‘Esto sí es’.

Fans en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico tienen dos semanas para votar por sus artistas favoritos a través de la página web oficial de los Premios Juventud.

La gala de entrega de los Premios Juventud 2019 se llevará a cabo el 18 de julio y será transmitido en vivo por Univisión.

El pasado viernes Maluma lanzó su anticipado cuarto álbum 11:11, el cual debutó en el primer lugar de listados digitales y streamings de álbumes latinos.

Del mismo modo Maluma anunció recientemente su regreso a los Estados Unidos, Canadá y Puerto Rico con la gira norteamericana de su ‘Maluma 11:11 World Tour’, la cual arranca el 6 de septiembre en San Diego, California y recorrerá más de 21 ciudades en Estados Unidos, Canadá y Puerto Rico, incluyendo importantes salas de conciertos como: AmericanAirlines Arena en Miami, Madison Square Garden en Nueva York, The Forum en Los Ángeles y el Coliseo de Puerto Rico.

Governor Abbott Honors Texas Veterans And Fallen Heroes At Memorial Day Event


Governor Greg Abbott today attended an event to honor fallen military heroes and thank Texas veterans at the Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) headquarters in Austin. The Governor was joined by Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Chairman Al Cantu, Texas VFW State Junior Vice Commander Richard “Dick” Shawver, and veterans from across Texas.

At the Memorial Day event, the Governor announced the release of a special Texas edition of the Vietnam War 50th commemoration book, a gift for all Texas veterans who served in the Vietnam War. The book, entitled A Time to Honor: Stories of Service, Duty, and Sacrifice, chronicles the events of the time and details the heroic actions of American soldiers. Additionally, it provides modern day reflections of veterans and pays tribute to all who served in Vietnam. 

“Today and every day, we must honor the veterans and fallen heroes who bravely defended our freedoms on the battlefield,” said Governor Abbott. “As our nation continues to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, this book is a symbol of a grateful state and nation. However, this book is not simply a tribute to the heroic service of the veterans and fallen heroes of the Vietnam War. It is also a reminder of our duty as Americans to ensure that veterans have access to the support they have earned. That is why I encourage veterans throughout Texas to apply for and claim the state and federal benefits and support available to them. On behalf of the state of Texas, I extend my deepest gratitude to our Vietnam veterans and to all those who have worn the uniform of the United States Armed Forces.”

The commemoration book is part of a broader initiative to encourage all Vietnam veterans to apply for and claim their state and federal veteran benefits and entitlements. All Texas veterans who served in the Vietnam War are eligible to receive a free copy of the book as a sign of gratitude for their service and sacrifice. Vietnam veterans throughout Texas are especially encouraged to visit their nearest TVC Claims Benefit Advisor or call 1-800-252-VETS to find the nearest facility. TVC advisors can also assist veterans in all matters pertaining to veterans’ state and federal disability benefits and entitlements.

When a veteran picks up their book, they will have the opportunity to provide their information on-site to TVC advisors and begin the process of claiming their rightful benefits and support resources. The commemorative books are currently available at the following locations, with more locations being added in the future:

TVC Waco Regional Office

701 Clay Avenue

Waco, TX 76799

Phone: (254) 299-9944

Houston Regional Office

6900 Almeda Rd

Houston, TX 77030

Phone: (713) 383-2727

Central TX Veterans Health Care System

Olin E. Teague Center

1901 Veterans Memorial Dr.

Bldg. 208 Rm. 119

Temple, TX 76504

Phone: (254) 743-0549

Texas VFW

​8503 N. IH 35

Austin, TX 78753

Phone: (512) 834-8535