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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tomorrow is Election Day for the July 2020 Primary Runoff Elections

(Houston, TX) – Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 14th, is Election Day for the July 2020 Primary Runoff Elections. Voters can cast their ballots anytime between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. at any of the 109 voting centers throughout Harris County. For the nearest voting location and estimated wait times go to HarrisVotes.com/WaitTimes. A total of 154,313 voters cast their ballots during the ten-day Early Voting period that concluded on Friday, July 10th.
“These are challenging times for all of us, but I want to encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote,” said Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins. “This runoff is a critical part of the election process, because it will determine which candidates go on to represent their parties in the General Election in November.”
To protect voters and election workers from COVID-19, all voting centers have been set up to allow for social distancing.  Poll workers have been provided with personal protective equipment including gloves, face masks, and shields. Sanitizing stations are set up at all polling sites, and voters are being provided with finger covers to use while voting. Additional face masks are available for voters who do not have one. Voters exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 can vote curbside to avoid entering the polling center.
To cast a ballot, you must be registered to vote and have one of the following forms of ID:
Texas Driver License issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS);
Texas Election Identification Certificate (EIC) issued by DPS;
Texas Personal Identification Card issued by DPS;
Texas License to Carry a Handgun (LTC) issued by DPS;
U.S. Military ID Card containing the person’s photograph;
U.S. Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph; or
U.S. Passport.
Except for the U.S. citizenship certificate, the form of identification you use must be current or have expired no more than four years before being presented at the polls. If you don’t have any of these to use for identification, you can (1) sign a sworn statement explaining why you don’t have those IDs and (2) bring one of the following:
Valid voter registration certificate;
Certified birth certificate;
Current utility bill;
Government check;
Pay stub or bank statement that includes your name and address; or
Copy of or original government document with your name and an address (original required if it contains a photograph).
To expedite your time at the polls, go to HarrisVotes.com to print your personal sample ballot, make your selections, and take it with you when you go vote. If you start the voting process and think you have received the wrong ballot, make sure you let an election official know immediately—before casting your vote.
For more election information, visit HarrisVotes.com and follow @HarrisVotes on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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