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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Houston Health Department Providing Core Services With Temporary Modifications

o help contain and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the Houston Health Department modified some services to protect the health and well-being of the community.

The health department is open and providing core services, with the following temporary modifications:

  • Multi Service Centers are open with access limited to clients of existing tenants. Group events of more than 10 people are being rescheduled.
  • WIC clinics are open by appointment only.
  • Health center clinical services are open by appointment only at Sunnyside, Northside and Sharpstown. La Nueva Casa de Amigos will temporarily close so staff can be consolidated to the three other health centers. Appointments scheduled at La Nueva Casa de Amigos are being rescheduled to the other health centers.
  • Vital records (birth and death certificates) are being processed by phone and online. Shipping fees are waived while the lobby is temporarily closed.
  • Face-to-face services such as case managementhome visitationsgroup education classesbenefits counseling, and enrollment activities are being temporarily transitioned to telephone-based models.
  • Eligibility Assistance, which provides screening and certification for health care programs such as Medicaid and Harris Health, is consolidating to the West End Multi-Service Center.
  • The home delivered meals program is expanded to include participants who normally receive meals at congregate meal sites, temporarily closed to promote safety with this vulnerable population.
  • Emergency dental care for older adults will continue but elective geriatric dental appointments are being rescheduled
  • Group activities, trainings and social gatherings are canceled and/or being rescheduled. 

Service locations such as health centers and WIC clinics are implementing phone or text notifications to allow patients to wait outside until time for service. Social distancing measures are being utilized in waiting rooms.

The Houston Health Department COVID-19 emergency operations center remains fully activated.

Houstonians should visit HoustonHealth.org/covid19 for the latest information and ways to protect their family and community.

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