Secretary Clinton will be the special guest at the 2019 JRR luncheon, where incredible Democratic leaders will be celebrated.

Individual tickets go on sale Monday, April 24th. We still have a few sponsorships available — including packages with photos with Secretary Clinton! Will you join us as a sponsor of the JRR Luncheon and reserve your spot now? The Glass Ceiling ($25,000) Two Tables of 10, 20 VIP Reception Tickets, Photo with Secretary Clinton (photo limited to six individuals) The Persistent Woman ($10,000) One Table of 10, 10 VIP Reception Tickets, Photo with Secretary Clinton (photo limited to two individuals) The White Pantsuit ($5,000) One Table of 10, 4 VIP Reception Tickets The Woman Card ($2,500) One Table of 10, 2 VIP Reception Tickets Volunteer Sponsorship ($2,000) You and your guest will be seated at a VIP table with 8 volunteers who helped us turn out the vote in 2018; includes 2 VIP Reception Tickets |