Your City of Houston 311 is proud to announce its new and improved Houston 311 mobile app, powered by SeeClickFix, to report non-emergency issues.
The Houston 311 mobile app features dynamic upgrades and an easy-to-use interface with features like:
• Create service requests on the go.
• Submit cases with pictures and details.
• Cases are routed to a team, instead of an individual.
• Set up your own “watch areas”.
• Receive notifications about your reported issues as well as issues in your community.
The new Houston 311 mobile app is available for download on Android and iPhone.
If you have Barcode scanner installed on your Smartphone, scan the barcode below:

Houston 311 looks forward to hearing from you! Houston 311 is a centralized call center providing free, 24-hour service for all non-emergency City of Houston inquiries and services.
Contact us:
website: www.houston311.org
email: 311@houstontx.gov
phone: 311
(If outside Houston, dial 713-837-0311)