Harris County Attorney’s Office Offers Online Resource for the Public to Report Price Gouging



In response to millions of Harris County residents being impacted by the historic winter storm, Harris County Attorney Christian D. Menefee is urging the public to report incidents of price gouging and other consumer complaints committed by those looking to take advantage of the tragedy.

“This historic weather event is incredibly challenging for Harris County residents who are already under strain because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overpaying for necessities to survive freezing temperatures is the last thing folks need to worry about. I urge you to report price gouging on our website. We will hold businesses and individuals accountable for unfair practices,” said County Attorney Menefee.

During a declared state of emergency, the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act makes it illegal for a business or individual to sell or lease fuel, food, medicine, lodging, building materials, construction tools, or other necessities at an exorbitant or excessive price. Texas is currently in a state of emergency and the County Attorney’s Office (HCAO) is using reports submitted through its website to pursue actions against those that seek to take advantage of Harris County residents in these trying times. Residents can get specific information at harriscountycao.org/report-price-gouging. It details what information people need to provide in order to file a complaint. The HCAO will investigate the complaint and take action as appropriate. More information on the investigation and available actions can be found on the website.

File a report with the HCAO for suspected price gouging or other unfair business practices in Harris County.  It’s best to take a picture of the products and prices and keep the receipts to make a report.

3 Options for Filing a Report

  1. Email to consumerhelp@cao.hctx.net. Follow the instructions at harriscountycao.org/pricegouging.
  2. Text complain, pictures, and receipts to 346-354-7459.
  3. Website – Complete the online form at harriscountycao.org/report-price-gouging.

Harris County residents and interested persons can also receive updates from HCAO, via Twitter at @HarrisCountyAO and Facebook at facebook.com/HarrisCountyAttorney.