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Jeff Sessions prepara cambio en cortes que le daría un poder nunca visto en inmigración.


El fiscal general Jeff Sessions parece explora una regla que expandiría su poder judicial y que, según expertos, le permitiría reformar drástica mente la política federal de inmigración.

El Departamento de Justicia (DOJ, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció que planea proponer un cambio en las circunstancias en las que el fiscal general puede tomar y decidir sobre casos de inmigración, reportó The Hill.

Los expertos en inmigración dicen que los fiscales generales sólo han intervenido para afirmar o anular los casos una vez que la Junta de Apelaciones de Inmigración (BIA, en inglés) haya dictado una resolución, una acción que incluso es poco común.

Bajo la nueva propuesta, el fiscal general podría tomar decisiones sobre casos de inmigración antes de que lleguen a la BIA.

“Es muy perturbador”, dijo Thomas Saenz, presidente y consejero general de MALDEF, el Fondo de Educación y Defensa Legal de México, ya que le daría demasiado poder a Sessions.

“Este es un fiscal general queya ha demostrado, cuando lo h hecho bajo las reglas existentes, que es parcial, inhumano y, francamente, probablemente influenciado por algunos puntos de vista racistas”, dijo Saenz.

El DOJ acusó rechazó que la medida pudiera otorgar dicho poder al Fiscal General y aseguró que sólo podría intervenir en “aquellos casos pendientes ante la Junta de Apelaciones de Inmigración pero aún no decididos”, además de “ciertas decisiones de los jueces de inmigración”, aunque no especificó cuáles.

La medida será lanzada en mayo de 2019, después de un retraso programado para septiembre pasado.

Vince Ryan Harris County Attorney wins order closing Northwest Gentleman’s Club


Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan obtained a temporary restraining order on Wednesday, October 24, closing down a Charles Road strip club near Highway 290 in northwest Harris County. Judge Elaine Palmer ordered the Joy of Houston Gentlemen’s Club to cease operating at 7004 Charles Road, in Houston until it had obtained a sexually oriented business permit from Harris County.

The action comes one day
after Harris County revised its sexually oriented business regulations to explicitly ban sex with robots in commercial businesses and to require warnings about human trafficking in all permitted sexually oriented businesses in the unincorporated areas of the County. The investigation into the Club was underway prior to the adoption of the amendments, which take effect January 1, 2019.

According to the County Attorney, the Club’s permit had expired in May but it continued to operate as an adult cabaret. Sheriff’s undercover officers witnessed women exposing themselves and simulating sexual acts on stage during a performance in early October. During that same visit two separate dancers offered to engage in sex for money.

“Our office will continue to work to protect neighborhoods from businesses that flaunt the law,” said County Attorney Ryan. “We will continue to support law enforcement efforts to eradicate these nuisance businesses.”

A hearing on the case has been scheduled for November 2 at 1:30 p.m.

Governor’s Committee on People With Disabilities announces 2018 Lex Friedman Employment Awards winners


The Office of the Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities announces the winners of the 2018 Lex Frieden Employment Awards (LFEA). Named for Texas disability rights champion Lex Frieden, the awards are bestowed upon Texans who have displayed a commitment to empowering their employees, co-workers, and fellow Texans with disabilities.

In his 2018 Texas Disability Employment Awareness Month Proclamation, Governor Abbott said, “An important part of the Texas workforce is Texans with disabilities, who make invaluable contributions to Texas employers. We must engage in disability employment awareness to ensure that all Texans have the equal opportunity to contribute to the workforce that is the backbone of our great state’s robust economy.”

2018 Lex Frieden Employment Award Winners:

The Governor’s Trophy: Laura Warren, Founder and Executive Director of Parent to Parent (Austin)
Entrepreneur of the Year: Austin Underwood, (Fort Worth)
Large Employer: WinCo Foods (Denton)
Medium Employer: Axium Solar (Plano)
Small Employer: Walgreens Store #6753 (El Paso)
Non-Profit Employer: Hugs Café (McKinney)
Martha Arbuckle Award: The University of Texas at Arlington’s Disability Programs

The winners of the 2018 Lex Frieden Employment Awards will be honored at a ceremony co-hosted by the Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities and the City of Plano. The ceremony will be held on October 24, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Plano Events Center. To register for the award ceremony, visit LFEA Registration. The keynote speaker for this event is José H. Velasco, Vice-President of Products and Innovation and leads the SAP Autism at Work program in the Americas.

Congratulations to all of the 2018 Lex Frieden Employment Award winners.

The Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities (Committee) provides GovDelivery updates for informational purposes on a variety of disability related issues for a diverse audience. Updates may include information provided by external sources.

The inclusion of this external information does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the Committee or the Office of the Governor of any information, policy, product, or service offered by an external source.

CTIA awards Mayor Turner with 5G Wireless Champion award


Mayor Sylvester Turner today accepted the 5G Wireless Champion Award from CTIA, the wireless industry association.

The mayor was honored for his commitment to fostering an environment that encourages wireless industry investment and accelerates the deployment of 5G in Houston.

The 5G Wireless Champion is awarded in recognition of Mayor Turner’s leadership in ensuring that the City of Houston removes constraints on the industry’s ability to deploy small cells – the modern wireless infrastructure that enable 5G networks. “Houston will be one of the first cities in the world to deploy 5G thanks to our commitment to removing barriers to wireless industry investment and business growth,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner. “5G will be a game changer for the City of Houston, helping us move ahead of other cities in digital innovation and bringing progress and economic growth.”

“Mayor Turner understands how the right government policies bring investment and opportunity to the City of Houston,” said Meredith Attwell Baker, President and CEO of CTIA. “Thanks to his leadership, Houston is positioned to benefit from the innovations and breakthroughs that next-generation 5G networks will bring.”

Small cells are about the size of a backpack and are installed on utility poles, streetlights, and the sides of buildings. Small cells can be installed in about an hour, but in areas with rules designed for 200-foot cell towers, can take more than a year to get approval. The wireless industry will need to deploy hundreds of thousands of modern wireless antennas – small cells – in the next few years to keep up with increasing consum er demand for wireless data and to build out new 5G networks.

Under Mayor Turner’s leadership, Houston has streamlined the permitting process by not requiring a license or attachment agreement for new poles or small cells, and completes review ahead of deadlines. Houston is among the fastest at reviewing and approving permits and leads all cities in Texas with 548 permit approvals since September 1st 2017.

According to Accenture, the wireless industry will invest $275 billion to deploy 5G networks across the U.S., generating 3 million new jobs and $500 billion in economic growth.

Reducing timelines to deploy 5G by 12 months will generate an additional $100 billion in economic growth.
In Houston, Accenture estimates that the industry wil invest $1.9 billion, generate more than twenty thousand jobs and $3.5 billion in economic growth.

For more, read a Q&A with Mayor Turner here: https://www.ctia.org/news/qa-with-5g-wire-less-champion-houston-may-or-sylvester-turner.

Houston Health Department recommends people get flu shots now


The Houston Health Department (HHD) recommends everyone six months of age and older get a flu shot now—and preferably before end of October.

“Now is the perfect time to get a flu shot,” said Dr. David Persse, Houston’s local health authority and EMS director. “It’s hard to predict the start and the severity of the flu season but getting vaccinated today will help ensure people are protected whenever our area goes through the big yearly spike in the spread of illness.”

Flu outbreaks can occur as early as October and last as late as May.

People can visit their doctor, neighborhood pharmacy or local health department to get a flu shot. Many grocery stores also offer the vaccine.

HHD offers flu shots at its health centers to uninsured and underinsured people on a sliding scale basis that ranges from free to $15. To find the nearest health center, people can call 832-393-5427 or the City of Houston’s 311 information line. They can also go online to HoustonHealth.org.

People at high risk for flu are young children, pregnant women, people with chronic health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and those age 65 and older. They also are at greater risk of severe complications if they get the flu.

The flu – caused by different related viruses – is a contagious disease that results in symptoms such as fever, headache, fatigue, cough, nasal congestion, sore throat and body aches. People with a combination of these symptoms need to see a medical provider promptly.

Most people recover in one to two weeks, but some develop complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis and sinus and ear infections. Flu also can make chronic medical conditions worse.

Doctors can prescribe antiviral medications that help make the illness shorter and milder. Antiviral medications work best if started within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. In addition to vaccination, people can help stop the spread of the flu and other illness by:

• Washing hands frequently
• Covering coughs and sneezes
• Staying home if sick and until at least 24 hours after their fever is gone, except to get medical care.

Publicación 1130 – Revista Digital 25 octubre – 31 octubre / 2018

Gracias por visitarnos, este artículo contiene la revista digital de ¡Que Onda Magazine! de fecha 25 de Octubre hasta el 31 de Octubre del 2018.

Descargar versión digital – Que Onda!

Chris Daniel – Get Out The Vote


Chris Daniel encourages Houstonians to join us at Get Out The Vote FREE Concert. Meet and greet with local politicians, enjoy live music, and more!


Sunday, October 28th


333 S Jensen Dr. Houston, TX 77003

Learn more here.

Orlando Sanchez – Get Out The Vote


Orlando Sanchez encourages Houstonians to join us at Get Out The Vote FREE Concert. Meet and greet with local politicians, enjoy live music, and more!


Sunday, October 28th


333 S Jensen Dr. Houston, TX 77003

Learn more here.

Publicación 1128 – Revista Digital 18 octubre – 24 octubre / 2018

Gracias por visitarnos, este artículo contiene la revista digital de ¡Que Onda Magazine! de fecha 18 de Octubre hasta el 24 de Octubre del 2018.

Descargar versión digital – Que Onda!