An interactive CDC map shows how the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is going in your state — and how far the US lags behind its goal


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention unveiled major updates to its vaccine tracking dashboard on Thursday, including an interactive map that shows how vaccine distribution and administration is going in every US state and territory.

Previously, the website tracked only two broad measurements of US COVID-19 vaccination efforts: doses distributed and doses administered in total nationwide.

Now, the tracker lists the following details for each state: total doses distributed, total doses distributed per 100,000 people, and the number of people who have received their first dose. It also includes information on how many doses have been distributed and allocated in total, as well as how many doses have been distributed to and administered in long-term care facilities. You can access the map here.

CDC Vaccine tracker map
The CDC’s interactive map tracks vaccine allocation and distribution across the US. 

The tracker is slated to get updated on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, except for holidays (in those cases, the tracker will be updated the day after a holiday).