Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management 2022 Annual Report


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The Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HCOHSEM) is pleased to announce the release of its 2022 Annual Report.

HCOHSEM works year-round engaging in collaborative planning and promoting community resilience. “Collaboration is crucial in all phases of emergency management and partnering with Harris County residents, the business community, faith-based leaders and response and recovery partners is an essential component to ensuring that our community is prepared for the next disaster” said Harris County Emergency Management Coordinator Mark Sloan.

HCOHSEM continues to be heavily engaged in various regional and local initiatives to enhance relationships with local, state, and federal government and to build and strengthen private and nonprofit partnerships. Emphasis on cross-sector collaborations alongside HCOHSEMs robust outreach programs help increase community resilience throughout the county. “This report highlights our organizations commitment to the residents we serve and the partners without whom we could not succeed. We are very proud of everything we have achieved” added Sloan.

Despite a calm 2022 Hurricane Season on this side of the Gulf of Mexico, Harris County activated its Emergency Operations Center 23 times for severe weather, large public events, including the Houston Astros World Series Championship, and to continue supporting the COVID-19 response. To date, the pandemic has been the EOC’s longest and most complex activation.

The report summarizes HCOHSEM’s operations and key accomplishments during the past year. A printed version of the 2022 Annual Report is available at https://bit.ly/HCOHSEM2022AnnualReport
and at www.ReadyHarris.org.


HCOHSEM is a national model of best practices in emergency planning, preparation, response, and recovery. HCOHSEM helps prepare, safeguard, and protect the residents and property of Harris County from the effects of disasters through effective planning