On the Road Lending is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2013 that provides vehicle selection assistance and long-term financial mentoring to help low- to moderate-income individuals and working families overcome transportation barriers so they can get to work, lead healthier lives, and avoid predatory lending. We help people improve their credit and purchase fuel-efficient, reliable cars, financing them through our sister private-equity loan fund with a low-cost loan. Learn more at ontheroadlending.org.
- Take photos of your vehicle before it’s damaged. This a critical step to making any claims process easier.
- Check the weather before you leave your house or work.
- Don’t drive through standing water. Turn around and find a safer route to higher ground. Even after a storm, avoid driving through puddles. It’s hard to tell how deep they are, and you could damage your undercarriage.
- Avoid following larger vehicles as you move to safety. They can cause waves that will damage your car.
- Be sure to close all of your vehicle’s windows, doors and sunroof.
- If you are suddenly surrounded by water in a flash flood, turn off your vehicle immediately and get out of the car to safety.
- If you have to leave your vehicle in an area that may flood, disconnecting your battery can prevent damage to sensitive computerized and electronic components.
- If it’s hailing, find cover at a gas station or parking garage. Don’t park under a bridge or overpass. Parking close to a building can also reduce hail damage.
- Before the storm, cover your car with blankets or a hail cover—even floor mats will work!
- Inspect the surroundings where you park your car—are there trees, loose roof tiles or other objects that may damage your car if winds are high