42.1 F
Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, Partners, Provide Transportation to Vaccination Clinic

The Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities is coordinating a COVID-19 vaccination clinic along with transportation to the clinic to serve people with disabilities, older adults, and caregivers. The event is a partnership with the Houston Health Department and the Houston Center for Independent Living.

The clinic will take place Saturday, May 15th, from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the Metropolitan Multi-Services Center at 1475 West Gray St.

Appointments are not required, but individuals are encouraged to register for a Johnson & Johnson one dose shot at Curative.com/sites/28534 or a Moderna first dose shot at Curative.com/sites/28533.

“Throughout the pandemic, we have worked to provide equity and access to vulnerable communities who needed information, testing, and now, the vaccine,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner. “We do not want to leave anyone behind as we encourage people to get vaccinated and work to reach herd immunity throughout the community. The vaccine is the best tool there is in the fight against  COVID-19, so I am encouraging everyone to come on Saturday and Take Your Best Shot!”

“Covid-19 has disproportionately impacted people with disabilities, and it has been our office’s main priority to make sure that the vaccine rollout is equitable in Houston,” said Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities Director Gabe Cazares. “To this end, we are hosting our priority clinic at the hub for Houstonians with disabilities. West Gray is where the community meets to play sports, attend meetings, and hang out. So, it just makes sense that we make the Covid-19 vaccine available at our center.”

People with disabilities, older adults, and caregivers may call 832-393-4301 to request transportation assistance to the clinic. Thanks to a generous $120,000 grant the Rockwell Fund recently awarded to the Houston Health Foundation, Houston METRO and Harris Rides will provide roundtrip transportation to eligible individuals.

The Houston Center for Independent Living is generously sponsoring the clinic.

Take Your Best Shot

Source: www.houstontx.gov

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