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Houston Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Announces Reelection Bid Despite Mayoral Defeat

In the wake of a substantial defeat in the Houston mayoral runoff, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has officially filed for reelection in Texas’s 18th Congressional District, according to reports citing the Harris County Democrats. Despite losing to State Senator John Whitmire by a significant 31-point margin, Jackson Lee is gearing up for a primary challenge from former Houston City Council member Amanda Edwards.

The announcement precedes the Monday deadline for candidates to enter the 2024 congressional race, indicating Jackson Lee’s determination to continue her 29-year tenure. Facing financial challenges, Jackson Lee confronts a well-funded opponent in Edwards, who raised over $1 million in the initial campaign phase.

While the mayoral election centered on crime concerns, Jackson Lee’s campaign faced setbacks, including alleged endorsements and a leaked audio incident. Despite these challenges, Jackson Lee, a longstanding figure in Houston politics, remains committed to public service as she braces for a primary battle on March 5.