I, GREG ABBOTT, Governor of the State of Texas, certified on August 23, 2019, that exceptional drought conditions posed a threat of imminent disaster in Duval, Hall, Jim Hogg, Randall, Swisher, Webb, and Zapata counties, and I certified on August 30, 2019, that those conditions continued and also threatened Briscoe, Brooks, Castro, Jim Wells, Nueces, San Patricio, Wichita, and Wilbarger counties. I hereby certify that the exceptional drought conditions continue and pose a threat of imminent disaster in Briscoe, Castro, Nueces, Randall, San Patricio, Swisher, Wichita, and Wilbarger counties, and that the conditions also now threaten Baylor, Callahan, Coke, Coleman, Concho, Crosby, Dimmit, Foard, Frio, Garza, Hardeman, Haskell, Jones, Knox, Lubbock, Lynn, Runnels, Shackelford, Stonewall, Taylor, Throckmorton, Tom Green, and Zavala counties.
WHEREAS, significantly low rainfall and prolonged dry conditions continue to increase the threat of wildfire across these portions of the state; and
WHEREAS, these drought conditions pose an imminent threat to public health, property, and the economy;
THEREFORE, in accordance with the authority vested in me by Section 418.014 of the Texas Government Code, I do hereby declare a state of disaster in Baylor, Briscoe, Callahan, Castro, Coke, Coleman, Concho, Crosby, Dimmit, Foard, Frio, Garza, Hardeman, Haskell, Jones, Knox, Lubbock, Lynn, Nueces, Randall, Runnels, San Patricio, Shackelford, Stonewall, Swisher, Taylor, Throckmorton, Tom Green, Wichita, Wilbarger, and Zavala counties based on the existence of such threat.
Pursuant to Section 418.017 of the code, I authorize the use of all available resources of state government and of political subdivisions that are reasonably necessary to cope with this disaster.
Pursuant to Section 418.016 of the code, any regulatory statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business or any order or rule of a state agency that would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster shall be suspended upon written approval of the Office of the Governor. However, to the extent that the enforcement of any state statute or administrative rule regarding contracting or procurement would impede any state agency’s emergency response that is necessary to protect life or property threatened by this declared disaster, I hereby authorize the suspension of such statutes and rules for the duration of this declared disaster.
In accordance with the statutory requirements, copies of this proclamation shall be filed with the applicable authorities.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and have officially caused the Seal of State to be