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Monday, February 24, 2025

HISD board approves $2,500 pay increase for teachers

Houston ISD teachers will soon receive a pay increase, according to HISD’s Board of Education.

During a Thursday night board meeting, HISD’s Board of Education unanimously approved a $2.2 billion budget for the 2021-2022 school year, which includes an amendment for a $2,500 pay raise in addition to the step increase for employees on the teacher pay scale schedule.

The budget also includes raises for elementary school principals and all assistant principals and deans.

The tax rate in the budget is slated to be a maximum of $1.1284 per $100 of property valuation, down from last year’s $1.1331.

Under the State of Texas’ formula, school districts will send some of their local property tax revenue to the state if they have excess revenue above what they are entitled to under the current school finance system.

For the 2021-2022 budget, HISD is expecting to spend about $213 million back to the Texas Education Agency, which will be re-distributed to schools across the state to fund overall public education.

Source: www.click2houston.com

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